Teachers vs parents: Round two - CNN.com Teachers vs parents: Round two - CNN.com: Teachers vs parents: Round two By *Linda Petty*, CNN updated 9:19 AM EST, Thu September 8, 2011 [image: Teachers and parents sound off over who is to blame for education problems.] Teachers and parents sound off ...
California Parent Center California Parent Center: [image: BWLogo]*California Parent Center* *College of Education San Diego State University* Visit our Website: parent.sdsu.edu [image: SDSU_Color] *To:* Administrators, Teachers, Title I Coordinators, Parent Involvement Staff, ...
Duncan and Officials Observe Mock Presentation of Innovative Teacher Mentoring and Evaluation Program at AFT Hall | ED.gov Blog Duncan and Officials Observe Mock Presentation of Innovative Teacher Mentoring and Evaluation Program at AFT Hall | ED.gov Blog: Duncan and Officials Observe Mock Presentation of Innovative Teacher Mentoring and Evaluation Program at AFT Hall Posted on ...
Parent Communication: TO vs WITH | Connected Principals Parent Communication: TO vs WITH | Connected Principals: Parent Communication: TO vs WITH by Chris Wejr We must understand the difference bewtween communicating To and communicating WITH. Photo from http://bit.ly/pvuhJa As our school moves to attempt ...
Assessment: Formative, Summative, Punitive? « My Island View Assessment: Formative, Summative, Punitive? « My Island View: Assessment: Formative, Summative, Punitive? by tomwhitby For the first time since I have been supervising student teachers, I have a group at the start of the year, as opposed to my usual ...
Back To School: Investing In Distraction | OurFuture.org Back To School: Investing In Distraction | OurFuture.org: Back to School: Investing In Distraction *My guest today is Sabrina Stevens Shupe. Sabrina is a teacher, writer, and activist who has worked with students in struggling communities in ...
BBC reporter killed in Afghanistan was shot dead by US troops Source: [b]Telegraph[/b] BBC reporter killed in Afghanistan was shot dead by US troops A BBC reporter killed during a Taliban assault on a television station was in fact shot dead by US troops trying to clear the building a military investigation has ...
Turkish Warships To Escort Any Gaza Aid Vessels Source: [b]Reuters (Via Common Dreams)[/b] [div class="excerpt"][b][font size=4]Turkish Warships To Escort Any Gaza Aid Vessels[/b][/font] [i]Erdogan says Turkey has taken steps to stop Israel from unilaterally exploiting natural resources from the ...
Canada-U.S. price differences to be studied Source: [b]CBC News[/b] If you're frustrated with paying more than Americans for the same products, take heart: the Senate Finance Committee is looking into it. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said the committee has agreed to do a study and report on ...
Eight reasons why Obama may get four more. « Fred Klonsky's blog:
I didn’t watch it either.
This was the reason John Boehner bullied President Obama into moving his jobs speech to compete with the Saints and Packers?
I watched a little of the analysis of the Tea Party debate on Rachel Maddow. They kept showing camera shots of the debate that made it appear as if they had been debating on the runway at O’Hare. Was that a big jet hanging over their heads?
They talked a little about schools. It was mostly the same Tea Party nonsense. Perry continued pushing the