Spellings and the Perpetual Obfuscation
While I hesitate to acknowledge former Secretary of Education Spellings, her comments, and the source of those comments, let's not forget that Spellings herself either has no understanding of statistics, has the propensity to distort evidence. . .or both:
"A Question of Power": Of Accountability and Teaching by Numbers
[originally published in OpEdNews, 12 March 2011]
The speaker in Adrienne Rich's "Diving into the Wreck" confronts the contrast between land and sea--"the sea is another story/ the sea is not a question of power"--leaving the clear message that our world is "a question of power."
Over the past thirty years, the education reform debate and the rising calls for education reform have exposed
"A Question of Power": Of Accountability and Teaching by Numbers
[originally published in OpEdNews, 12 March 2011]
The speaker in Adrienne Rich's "Diving into the Wreck" confronts the contrast between land and sea--"the sea is another story/ the sea is not a question of power"--leaving the clear message that our world is "a question of power."
Over the past thirty years, the education reform debate and the rising calls for education reform have exposed