Judge: Teachers cannot be judged solely on students' standardized test scores
Wednesday, August 24th 2011, 7:49 PM

Juan Silva/Getty
A state judge ruled that students poor standardized test scores cannot be the sole factor in rating teacher performance.State teachers can't be labeled as lousy based solely on their students' poor performance on state standardized tests, an Albany state Supreme Court judge decided Wednesday.
Other measurements like principal evaluation were not given proper weight in ratting teachers under new rules passed this Spring, Judge Michael Lynch ruled.
State teachers union officials, who had filed the suit, called it a big win. "Today's ruling is good for students and for
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/education/2011/08/24/2011-08-24_judge_teachers_cannot_be_judged_solely_on_students_standardized_test_scores.html#ixzz1W06tqDre