#AskArne? Oh, will I #AskArne.
I have a lot of questions for Arne Duncan. Always have. My first and most fundamental concern his qualifications–who is he to be running the nation’s schools? What business does he have setting policy? Can he describe in any detail what a typical day is like for a teacher with a class of 35 fourth-graders? Does he even know how to write on a black/whiteboard without turning his back to the class?
I have some less polite ones, too, but I’m an adult.
Now is my (and your!) chance to ask them at the#AskArne Twitter Town Hall, starting at 1:30 pm on Wednesday, August 24. I’m realistic about this. Pointed questions will most likely be ignored, overlooked, or skirted, though so far they have been good. What answers Duncan does give are limited to 140 characters. I have no illusions that this is going to be a satisfying chat