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Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) FREE makes hundreds of Internet-based education resources supported by agencies across the U.S. Federal government available at one web site.
U.S. State & Local GatewayThe U.S. State & Local Gateway, a Federal interagency project, was developed to give state and local government officials and employees easy access to federal information in ways that make sense. U.S. Non-Profit AdvisorThe US Department of Education's Non-Profit Gateway also contains a link to the US NonProfit Gateway: the one-stop electronic link to the federal government for nonprofit organizations. Bureau of Land Management The goal of the Bureau of Land Management's Environmental Educationprogram is to realize healthier and more productive public lands through better educated citizens who are willing to assist in solving complex environmental problems. The program includes both a school-based component and a public education and participation component.
Department of DefenseDuring the past 50 years, Defense agencies have developed wide-ranging programs that support science and engineering education. In traditional education settings, the Department of Defense provides education for grades K-12 for more than 150,000 dependents in overseas locations and supplements local civilian schools in the U.S. to better address the needs of the dependent population.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Neighborhood Networks provides computer access and education for youth, adults, and senior citizens toward the goal of economic empowerment. This program emphasizes public/private partnerships and involves community-based organizations, colleges and universities, businesses, foundations, and citizens.
Department of Labor - Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Employment and Training Administration Programs and Activities: The Secretary of Labor has clearly stated the President's principal labor market goal: offer Americans the opportunity to learn the workforce skills and workplace processes that are necessary for the creation of good-paying jobs and a rising standard of living in the emerging international economy.
The ETA mission is to ensure that all Americans have access to the resources they require to successfully manage their job lives, and that U.S. businesses have access to the skilled workers and training resources they need to successfully compete in a global economy. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Benefits - Education and Training: Since 1944, when the first GI Bill became law, more than 20 million beneficiaries have participated in GI Bill education and training programs. This includes World War II, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam Era veterans and active-duty service personnel.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Students & Teachers: Browse a comprehensive collection of links of interest to students and teachers. Everything from Asbestos Hazards to What is Acid Rain?, this site has it all.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Technology has great power to enhance education. The FCC is working to bring every school in America into the information age. LearnNet is about important FCC policy and education initiatives. Join the dialogue to help spread the benefits of technology to schools and libraries nationwide.
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) The HCFA Children's Health Insurance Program -- in an effort to help make sure all children under 18 have adequate health care.
The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts ArtsEdge: This cooperative agreement between the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts (with support from the U.S. Department of Education) represents an important investment in the future of the arts in American education. It is meant to literally place and maintain the arts alongside science, math, and other subject areas among the vast resources and services comprising the new National Information Infrastructure.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA's Education Program involves the educational community in its endeavors to inspire America's students, create learning opportunities, and enlighten inquisitive minds.
NASA Quest is dedicated to bringing NASA people and science to classrooms through the internet. Through Space Team Online, Aerospace Team Online, Solar System Online, and Deep Space Online, NASA Quest is the ultimate resource for educators and kids interested in meeting and learning about NASA people and space science.
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Digital Classroom encourages teachers of students at all levels to use archival documents in the classroom. The Digital Classroom provides materials from NARA, methods for teaching with primary sources, and sample lesson plans.
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Projects NEH supports learning in history, literature, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities. NEH funds research, education, museum exhibitions, documentaries, preservation, and activities in the states.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA Education Resources: NOAA gathers information about the earth, the atmosphere, and the oceans. It produces nautical and aeronautical charts, forecasts the weather, performs environmental research from the Sun to the bottom of the seas, and is the fourth largest space power.
National Park Service (NPS) The Learning Place is your one place for finding all the education and interpretation related materials on the National Parks Service web site...ParkNet. The tools and resources we provided are useful and exciting for all visitors, especially those interested in teaching about America's natural and cultural heritage through the National Parks.
Link to the Past -- Tools for Teaching: If you are a student or teacher interested in archaeology, ethnography, historic landscapes, historic structures, history, and/or museum management, you will find this department helpful. You will discover study guides, glossaries, curricula and other educational tools here. National Science Foundation (NSF) Educational Resources: As part of their overall mission the NSF recommends and encourages the pursuit of national policies for the promotion of basic research and education in the sciences and engineering.
The NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) is responsible for the health and continued vitality of the Nation's science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education and for providing leadership in the effort to improve education in these areas.
Peace Corps The focus of World Wise Schools is to help students gain a greater understanding of a culture and region of the world that is different from their own. The series is designed to encourage students to look more closely at their own culture as well as to identify the similarities and differences that exist among cultures. Each program visits a different country that Peace Corps serves and provides a unique perspective into the daily life of its people.
The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities is a presidential advisory committee established in 1982. The Committee works to encourage private sector support and public appreciation of the value of the arts and humanities through projects, publications, and meetings.
Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Education: If you teach school, work with young people through a community group in your city or town, or educate within a museum or library, this is the place for you! There is information for both educators throughout the Nation and for those who live in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cooperative State Research Education & Extension Service (CSREES): The heart of the CSREES results-oriented vision is to improve economic, environmental, and social conditions in the United States and globally. These conditions include improved agricultural and other economic enterprises; safer, cleaner water, food, and air; enhanced stewardship and management of natural resources; healthier, more responsible and more productive individuals, families and communities; and a stable, secure, diverse and affordable national food supply.
United States Geological Survey Education Resources: The USGS is a scientific fact-finding and research organization, as contrasted to a developmental or regulatory one. It is the principal source of scientific and technical expertise in the earth sciences within the Federal Government.
United States Information Agency Education and Cultural Exchanges: Visit here for information on USIS and USIA academic exchange programs, studying in the U.S., professional orientation and exchanges, youth exchanges, exchanges in the arts, other U.S. exchanges programs, American studies, English teaching, distance education, international travel information.
Corporation for National Service AmeriCorps is the national service program that allows people of all ages and backgrounds to earn help paying for education in exchange for a year of service. AmeriCorps members meet community needs with services that range from housing renovation to child immunization to neighborhood policing.
Learn and Serve America Learn and Serve America is a grants program that supports teachers and community members who involve young people in service that relates to studies in school. More specifically, Learn and Serve America funds service-learning programs, which involves students in community activities that complement their classroom studies.
White House Visit The White House to find links to many other collections, programs and products of significant educational benefit.