The Classiness of Miguel del Valle
Miguel del Valle apparently didn't stoop to using this soundbite because it might have created the illusion that the President has endorsed someone in the mayor's race, which he hasn't.
ObamaDelValle by user6530020
Can I just tell you how freakishly ecstatic I am to learn about this Soundcloud embedder thingy? As you know, I'm obsessed with embedding files, and I'd never heard of Soundcloud before.
Back to del Valle's classiness. It stands in marked contrast to Rahm Emanuel, who has used soundbites and
ObamaDelValle by user6530020
Can I just tell you how freakishly ecstatic I am to learn about this Soundcloud embedder thingy? As you know, I'm obsessed with embedding files, and I'd never heard of Soundcloud before.
Back to del Valle's classiness. It stands in marked contrast to Rahm Emanuel, who has used soundbites and