Is TED Making Us Stupid?
By Joshua Kim May 16, 2010 9:02 pm
I'm not trying to pay homage to Nicholas Carr and his new book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. I don't think I'll read Carr's new book, as the article that it grows out of -- "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" -- sort of annoyed me.This past week I had the depressing revelation that TED has ruined me.Ruined me for talks or presentations where the speaker:-- Reads from a typed sheet without making (at least) intermittent eye contact with the audience.-- Fails to use a slide deck to share images or symbols that propel the narrative.-- Takes 40 minutes to say something that could have been said in 18.-- Has not taken the time to practice and rehearse the talk.-- Does not have something to say that is original, passionate, or particularly smart.Pre-TED, I used to be able to sit through a boring lecture or presentation - diligently taking notes while being sufficiently nourished by whatever small sliver of new insights or information the speaker could provide. I had patience, fortitude, and a long-attention span for the bad presentation. TED has extinguished this valuable skill.It is not only the example that TED provides on the right way to give a public presentation.
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Imagine this: The Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D.C. spoke directly to
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