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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Notes from the news, Apr. 28 | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Notes from the news, Apr. 28 | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Notes from the news, Apr. 28

In defense of parents The Notebook blog
Parents, like teachers, get a lot of flack about student achievement. The groups could work together rather than tear each other down like we see in blog post comments.
FAFSA Warns People Not to Miss Filing Deadline KYW
PHEAA has a hard deadline of May 1 if students attending four-year colleges want to be considered for state grants.
Junta de padres en “Escuelas Renacimiento” Al Día
Pa. education nominee pledges a robust term The Inquirer
NJ students walk out to protest budget cuts Philly Education Justice blog
How I Use Google Reader Philly Teacher blog
Please email us if we missed anything today or if you have any suggestions of publications, email lists, or other places for us to check for news.
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Notes from the news

Extended school year services can help students who regress during school breaks

by Janet Stotland
Juan is eight years old and has severe autism. He is easily distracted and frustrated. If Juan’s behaviors are not under control, not much learning occurs. During the school year Juan’s behaviors gradually improve and he starts to make progress in self-control and academic learning. After each long school vacation, Juan’s progress disappears. When he returns to school, he has to begin all over again.Sandra has a learning disability. She is in 4th grade but reads at a 2nd grade level. Sandra can’t make reasonable progress in closing the gap because she forgets what she has learned during the long summer break.
Tamika, who is four, has cognitive and behavioral delays. Her preschool early intervention program focuses on self-help skills. Early intervention services are provided over a 12-month period with breaks of varying lengths up to four weeks.