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Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Goodlad on school reform: Are we ignoring lessons of last 50 years?
EducationNews Today

Goodlad on school reform: Are we ignoring lessons of last 50 years?
4.28.10 - But, as 2009 merged into 2010, the expectations for a new dawning in schooling were slipping away. The good news was that the No Child Left Behind Act soon would be history. But the proposals for "reform" were déjà vu all over again...

In a World of Ads, Teaching the Young How to Read Them
4.28.10 - A government campaign will try to teach children from the fourth to the sixth grades how to think critically...

In New Jersey, a Civics Lesson in the Internet Age
4.28.10 - It was a silent call to arms: an easy-to-overlook message urging New Jersey students to take a stand against the...

Using Education to Cope With a Complex Economy
4.28.10 - Beyond financial reform, we must encourage all Americans -- especially our youth -- to cultivate adequate individual...

Spycam case more than meets the eye
4.28.10 - YOU CAN think what you want, said Holly Robbins, but it's not about the money. Robbins said that she didn't want to sue the Lower Merion School District when she discovered in November that her 15-year-old son's school-issued laptop was secretly snapping pictures inside their home.

Every child needed to boost economy
At a time when the global workforce demands more science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professionals, education stakeholders worry that today's students aren't answering the call. To ensure that the United States remains ...

Student brought to court in chains for shirking jury duty
A 19-year-old college freshman missed class Tuesday when a federal judge decided to teach her a civics lesson by ordering federal marshals to haul her in chains from school to court to explain why she shirked jury duty....
EdNews Reports

Experience Doesn't Teach
4.28.10 - Marcus A. Winters - Faced with even more red ink on the books than usual, school districts across New York are preparing to lay off thousands of public school teachers. Many young and energetic instructors will be shown the door since, under state law, teachers

UCLA Civil Rights Project Still Wrong on Charter Segregation
4.28.10 - Jay Green - The primary error of the CRP report is that it compares charter to traditional public schools nationwide or at the state level. Comparisons at this high level of aggregation are completely inappropriate because charters are concentrated in heavily minority central cities...

Potholes in the Road to Virtual Schooling
Gene Glass - As online classes escalate, school leaders ought to ask about teaching quality, authenticity and accounting practices

Virtual Classes, Real Policy
The rapid enrollment growth in online classes by K-12 students is outpacing the development of school district policies to govern such issues as seat time requirements, teacher qualifications and credit recovery. Freelancer Kate Beem also looks at three prevailing models of virtual education in local schools...

Educating the Total Child
Through the Educating the Total Child advocacy campaign, AASA members are committed to creating the conditions necessary for all students to become successful, lifelong learners. The campaign addresses three key factors that determine children's academic achievement: ...

An Interview with Dr. R. Layla Salek: FBA's and BIP's and other Things
4.28.10 - Michael F. Shaughnessy - I wanted to combine all of my passions (children, behavior disorders and photography) into one project that would benefit families living with loved ones with Autism or a Mental Illness

An Interview with Shanita Brackett: eRulemaking Program Management Office Contest

4.28.10 - Michael F. Shaughnessy - I'm a Program Analyst for the eRulemaking Program Management Office at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I support the eRulemaking Program's web site and on-line forum Exchange...

Three Ameriphone Paradoxes and a Personal Best Option

4.28.10 - Robert Oliphant - Will Expo 2010 about to echo the 2009 Olympics in reminding us that Ameriphonics now belongs to the planet, not just the USA? If so, here are three related paradoxes worth examining.