What Does CSA, the Principals Union in NYC Think about Dedicated funding for Arts Education? - Dewey21C:
"Arts education needs to be incentivized through dedicated funding. Because the NYC public school system is not meeting even the most minimal standard requirements for arts education, the arts should be treated as a 'protected class' of studies. When it comes to arts education, we need all of our schools to be winners. It is critical that the DoE create a dedicated funding line with budget allocations for schools to prevent more declines in arts education and capitalize on the benefits of arts education for children.
--Ernest Logan, President, The Council of Supervisors and Administrators
It is generally accepted that principals don't like categorical funding. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and the Council of Supervisors and Administrators (CSA), which is the union that represents principals, assistant principals, and other administrators in the New York City public schools recognizes that categorical funding for arts education is indeed one of those rare and important exceptions."
Heather Cox Richardson: Bloody Sunday and Voting Rights
In this post, historian Heather Cox Richardson reminds us of the struggle
to secure voting rights for Black Americans, as she commemorates the
anniversary ...
9 hours ago