Anti-gay right advances new smear that DOE official Jennings promoting "Child Porn in the Classroom" Media Matters for America:
"Conservative blogs have claimed that Department of Education official Kevin Jennings is unfit as 'Safe Schools Czar' because he supposedly promoted 'child porn' by allowing an education organization he founded to recommend for students in grades 7-12 books that included sexually explicit content. The organization, however, specifically stated on its book list website that 'some titles for adolescent readers contain mature themes' and recommended that 'adults selecting books for youth review content for suitability'; further, schools regularly teach books that contain sexually explicit material."
The Horrors Continue: It Appears That Trump Has Ordered A Stop To
Supporting Refugees Who Are Already HERE
This new CNN story, Advocate groups ordered to stop aiding refugees who
have already arrived in US, shares the Trump administration’s latest attack
on im...
11 hours ago