"It has finally happened! Chancellor Joel Klein and his non-educator flunkies at Tweed have finally succeeded in destroying one of the great schools in New York City with a century long history, Jamaica High School. Yesterday the DOE formally announced the closing of Jamaica High School after they setup the school for failure. Under Joel Klein's tenure the school suffered from poor leadership, starved it for funds, was treated as an 'impact school' by the City in 2005, found itself unfairly placed on the State's 'most dangerous schools list' in 2007, and encouraged students to transfer out of the school or discouraged perspective students from selecting the school in the first place. The result was a school that was underpopulated while having large class sizes and only receiving the bottom feeders of the student body."
The Horrors Continue: It Appears That Trump Has Ordered A Stop To
Supporting Refugees Who Are Already HERE
This new CNN story, Advocate groups ordered to stop aiding refugees who
have already arrived in US, shares the Trump administration’s latest attack
on im...
11 hours ago