Officials expect higher fees at junior colleges - Daily Democrat Online:
"With the state budget hole headed toward new depths next year, community college students likely will pay more than ever for their classes.
Although the 2010 state budget is still months away from adoption, college and state leaders have begun discussing the new fees. Many say there's little chance students will avoid paying more.
'We're definitely going to include it as an option for the Legislature,' said Paul Steenhausen of the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office. 'We've got some really tough years coming up, and the Legislature will have some difficult choices to make.'"
The Horrors Continue: It Appears That Trump Has Ordered A Stop To
Supporting Refugees Who Are Already HERE
This new CNN story, Advocate groups ordered to stop aiding refugees who
have already arrived in US, shares the Trump administration’s latest attack
on im...
11 hours ago