Teacher Beat: Duncan Calls for Multiple Measures in Evaluation:
"Education Secretary Arne Duncan made a particular point yesterday of underscoring that teacher evaluations should be based on 'multiple measures' that would include student achievement alongside other factors, such as peer evaluations.
He was speaking at conference here in Washington for state officials hosted by the National Comprehensive Center on Teacher Quality.
Frankly, the multiple-measures comment shouldn't come as a big surprise if you've been paying attention. A number of other ED officials have made the same point in other forums. But a lot of the state officials told me they were nevertheless glad to hear the message. They noted that the Race to the Top proposed criteria make a big deal about incorporating student achievement, but are silent on other teacher-evaluation criteria."
"Education Secretary Arne Duncan made a particular point yesterday of underscoring that teacher evaluations should be based on 'multiple measures' that would include student achievement alongside other factors, such as peer evaluations.
He was speaking at conference here in Washington for state officials hosted by the National Comprehensive Center on Teacher Quality.
Frankly, the multiple-measures comment shouldn't come as a big surprise if you've been paying attention. A number of other ED officials have made the same point in other forums. But a lot of the state officials told me they were nevertheless glad to hear the message. They noted that the Race to the Top proposed criteria make a big deal about incorporating student achievement, but are silent on other teacher-evaluation criteria."