CAVALA: Legalizing ‘Tommy Guns’ For Street Gang Members? - California Progress Report
CAVALA: Legalizing ‘Tommy Guns’ For Street Gang Members?
By Bill CavalaA veteran of over 30 years in Sacramento
Well, he didn’t really say that. But he wrote a law review article that concluded that if you can carry it, you can bear it (Constitutionally). Which means the decades old ban on automatic weapons should be repealed (we shouldn’t have Unconstitutional laws on the books), which means that street gang members – as long as they have no criminal convictions – should be able to buy and carry “Tommy Guns.”
If I were to mail such a charge, however, Harmer would surely run to the press to claim his position had been slanted, mischaracterized, and distorted.
And he’d be right.
But it’s John Garamendi, Harmer’s Democratic opponent, who has the right to cry ‘foul’.
The Republicans took a quote made in the context of the State’s budget - long before Garamendi became a candidate for Congress – to the effect that it would take a mix of tax increases and spending cuts to solve the budget problem. Ultimately, the Republican Governor and the two Republican Legislative leaders agreed with Garamendi.
Somehow that statement morphed into a demand that we “gut” Prop 13 and “tax people out of their homes” – the characterization of an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal cited in a hit piece against Garamendi (as evidence).
Not that it matters, but Garamendi has never advocated raising the property tax on residential property.
CAVALA: Legalizing ‘Tommy Guns’ For Street Gang Members?
By Bill CavalaA veteran of over 30 years in Sacramento
Well, he didn’t really say that. But he wrote a law review article that concluded that if you can carry it, you can bear it (Constitutionally). Which means the decades old ban on automatic weapons should be repealed (we shouldn’t have Unconstitutional laws on the books), which means that street gang members – as long as they have no criminal convictions – should be able to buy and carry “Tommy Guns.”
If I were to mail such a charge, however, Harmer would surely run to the press to claim his position had been slanted, mischaracterized, and distorted.
And he’d be right.
But it’s John Garamendi, Harmer’s Democratic opponent, who has the right to cry ‘foul’.
The Republicans took a quote made in the context of the State’s budget - long before Garamendi became a candidate for Congress – to the effect that it would take a mix of tax increases and spending cuts to solve the budget problem. Ultimately, the Republican Governor and the two Republican Legislative leaders agreed with Garamendi.
Somehow that statement morphed into a demand that we “gut” Prop 13 and “tax people out of their homes” – the characterization of an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal cited in a hit piece against Garamendi (as evidence).
Not that it matters, but Garamendi has never advocated raising the property tax on residential property.