The California Forward Action Fund submitted a pair of nonpartisan initiatives Friday that would bring comprehensive reform to California's broken budget process, protect funding for local services, and give communities new tools and resources to set their own priorities and chart their own paths for the future.
These measures take practices that have proven themselves in business and other states, and put them to work in California, balancing the budget, reducing waste, and delivering better results for people.Politics as usual won't solve our problems.
The California Forward Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization, with no political ties or partisan agendas, and is led by citizens of every walk of life willing to put California first -- like you.
Both of the initiatives, the Best Practices Budget Accountability Act and the Community Funding Protection and Accountability Act, would amend the state Constitution. Each will require 694,354 signatures by April 16, 2010 to be placed on the November 2, 2010 ballot.We need as many people to join us as possible.
If you haven't already, please endorse our principles now. Then, forward this message to your friends and ask them to sign it, too. We're depending on Californians like you to bring this comprehensive reform plan before all voters next year. The status quo isn't acceptable any more.
It's time to step up and address our state's challenges head-on.
These reforms get California moving again so California can lead again.
Thank you,
Thomas McKernanCo-Chair, California Forward Action Fund
Robert HertzbergCo-Chair, California Forward Action Fund