Narrowing Endless Career Choices with VR
Most research widely supports the direct correlation between parental
involvement in their child’s academic life and their child’s overall
success. Many st...
Weekend Quotables
Oscar winners speak out on Gaza. Get a standing ovation from the
attendees... Was the war and the deaths of nearly a million Russians and
Ukrainians really...
Jelly Roll in the House.
“Random acts of kindness were certainly scarce in this place and sometimes
came from the most unexpected source.” ― Kathryn Hughes, The Key I
Ed Department Backs Down on Some Extreme DEI Bans
On January 29, Trump signed two executive orders about schools: one was
intended to turn federal funding into block grants to states to expand
school choic...
Creating a Beautifully Age-Appropriate Curriculum
When I became a preschool teacher, I knew little about dinosaurs. Today,
I'm much more knowledgable, not because I've made a study of paleontology,
but b...
1776-2025 The Time for Resistance Has Arrived
Sanders: America Must Not Surrender Its Democratic Values.
Sasha Abr...
Nepotism in Seattle Schools
This is going to be a difficult post to write because it is sad to see what
looks like a norm now at JSCEE. The norm I speak of is largely an
occurrence ...
¿Quieres ser organizadora?
Nos ponemos de pie, levantamos nuestras voces, y tomamos la palabra. Tengo
tanto orgullo de cada uno de ustedes, los miembros de People’s Action y
ICYMI: Where's Your Suit Edition (3/2)
The White House reached a new critical mass of bullshit this week with the
public mugging of The Ukraine in favor of new bestie Russia. A lot has been
Even More Cartoons on AI
High hopes for better decision-making amid fears of robots taking over jobs
surround what Artificial Intelligence (AI) can (or cannot) achieve at home,
Ed Tech Digest
Ten years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog
of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “Ed Tech Digest” post
February’s Parent Engagement Resources
OPINION: Parents have way more influence than they realize in shaping their
children’s success is from The Hechinger Report. From Haircuts to Home
“Don’t Blame Me. I Didn’t Vote”
While pundits and analysts will argue for years about the 2016, 2020, and
2024 election results, left out of the conversation is an astounding fact:
Are we all on the same team?
Copied from Quora; I didn’t write any of this… As an American I ask my
fellow Americans, why can’t you realize at the end of the day we are all on
the same...
Teach Truth
By Thomas Ultican 2/23/2021 In “Teach Truth: The Struggle for Antiracist
Education,” Author Jesse Hagopian takes his readers inside the struggle and
Possible Conflict of Interest for Paul Egan?
The ABC Caucus is running on transparency, which is refreshing. However, it
appears ABC is only being transparent when it suits itself. "Meet the new
When there’s a change in power on a school board, the hope of the
electorate is that they have chosen serious people who will focus on issues
of importance...
We are NOT going to leave the US
what is below the fold was written as a comment on a piece by Mikey
Weinstein called “There are no words” but also after reading the piece by
Phil in Den...
Who is the new CEO of Teach For America?
From 1990 until 2013, the CEO of TFA was the founder, Wendy Kopp. Under her
leadership the program grew from a small organization that struggled to
make pa...
The Orange Turd feeds the racists
The Orange Turd has been feeding red meat to the millions of angry racists
for the past 8 years. He has succeeded in hoodwinking these sad souls into
Site Index - Updated December 31, 2024
When I was teaching,
I got tired of hearing how bad American educators were.
*My Promise *
WHEN I STARTED BLOGGING IN 2011, I said I planned to speak ...
Defining Productivity, Cost, and Efficiency
Recycled material here… The central problem with US public schools is often
characterized as an efficiency problem. We spend a lot and don’t get much
for i...
Number 18 — A barely-hanging-on Blogoversary
Blogoversary #18 SEPTEMBER 14, 2006 I started this blog while I was still
teaching, in 2006. I had just begun my 31st year as an educator. Just like
in pre...
Student "Growth" Measures Are STILL Biased
This caught my attention:
New Jersey school districts may soon be evaluated differently, *with a
greater emphasis on student growth* as compared to stud...
As the terrible feelings of dread and angst spread across the world the
great majority of the American people feel powerless before the onslaught
of those ...
Vote NO on the UFT Contract. Here is Why:
The best reason to vote no on this contract is this: UFT Unity* lied* to us
in 2018. They misrepresented that contract. It was predicated on deals we
Metaphors in ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech
In this article, we will explore the powerful use of metaphors in Martin
Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” ...
Read more
Testimony to the CPS Truancy Task Force
I prepared testimony for one of two public hearings held by the Chicago
Public Schools Truancy Task Force, a body mandated by state legislation.
The meetin...
There Is A Teacher Shortage.Not.
THERE IS A TEACHER SHORTAGE. And just to be sure you understand, it’s not
that teachers don’t want to teach. It’s not that there aren’t enough
teachers cer...
Book Banning Turns to Dick and Jane
Breaking News: Dateline February 4, 2022 - Parents in Dimwitty, Alabama
have asked the Dimwitty Board of Education to ban the children's primer *Fun
Have You Heard Has a New Website
TweetHave You Heard has a new website. Visit us at to find our latest episodes and our entire
archive. And be sure to check out...
Follow me at Substack
I've moved. Follow me at Substack
I'm now posting regularly at Substack. You can subscribe for free to my new
Edu/Pol blog at
Aspiring Teachers Get New Help Paying For College
[image: colorful classroom pattern]
*; Credit: shuoshu/Getty Images*
Cory Turner | NPR
New rules kick in today that will help aspiring teachers pay for c...
Tips Akses Situs Judi Qq Tanpa Perlu Takut Nawala
Kegiatan berjudi slot melalui situs judi qq online, sekarang sudah
dilakukan oleh banyak penjudi Indonesia. Tentu, Kamu yang sedang membaca
artikel ini a...
The Threat of Integration
I have lived in the same house in the Miracle Mile section of Los Angeles
for over 30 years, where up until now I have had little or no interaction
with th...
We fight for a democracy worthy of us all!
The nation stands at a crossroads, said NEA President Lily Eskelsen García
in her final keynote address to the 2020 NEA Representative Assembly and
it’s up...
The Passing Of Chaz 1951-2020 Age 69
I am the son of Chaz and like to inform you that he passed away this
afternoon from the COVID virus. My father passed in peace beside his loved
ones. We ar...
The Fight For Our Children
*The number of suicides among people ages 10 to 24 nationally increased by
56 percent between 2007 and 2017, according to a new federal report showing
the ...
Read to Self: Just a Kid and a Book.
Date: Monday, January 5, 2020 Place: My classroom Student: Mrs.Mims, could
we start doing Read to Self again because I got this great book for
Christmas an...
Keeping Progressive Schools Alive
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Happy New Year and a special thanks to those
who respond to past blogs about choice, et al. I always mean to respond to
each c...
I just finished dumping the rest of my lesson plans. I guess I held on to
the calculus ones for so long because I spent so much time working on them
Just Asking for some Teachers I know.
Recently Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers stated, We must … recognize that
part of supporting our kids in the classroom means supporting the educators
who t...
Cara Menang Bermain Judi Bola Online
Bermain judi bola online tentu saja memiliki kesenangannya tersendiri baik
itu mendapatkan keuntungan maupun ketika menantikan hasil skor pada sebuah
A Critique of Standards-Based Grading
It first happened to me about ten years ago. I was beginning my third year
of teaching in a new school in Washington, DC. Social studies teachers were
My First and Last Visit to Hudson Yards
Figuring I did not need to invite any more darkness and vulgarity into my
head than that provided on a daily basis from Trump’s White House, and
after read...
Reduced time for testing? Not so fast.
NYSED and Commish Elia continue to say that the NYS Assessments are of
reasonable length, I completely disagree.
Here is what NYSED states are average expe...
The World According to Michelle Rhee
The men behind the curtain fashioning the brave new world of corporate run
education in America! Michelle Rhee is the founder of StudentsFirst, The
New T...
Whose Opinions Matter in Education World?
It's hard to identify education heroes and sheroes. And perhaps even harder
to pinpoint just whose work is slanted, paid-for and dishonest.
Blockchain: Life on the Ledger
Originally posted on Wrench in the Gears:
I created this video as a follow up to the one I prepared last year on
Social Impact Bonds. It is time to examine...
New Local Businesses in Sacramento
Starting a new local business in Sacramento is a monumental task, but can
be accomplished with footwork, perseverance and knowledge. One must learn
the loc...
Lesson Plan: Rhyme and Rhythm in Poetry
I’ve started a recent unit on poetry with my class. I’m not a poet, and I’m
not a poetry fan (I don’t hate it, but I’m a prose gal), so this makes it
The Apotheosis of Betsy DeVos
Betsy Devos has drawn few headlines in recent months, and that is a good
thing for the Secretary of Education. Her tenure began with Vice President
Mike P...
Education Is a Civic Question
In their final post to end Bridging Differences' decade-long run, Deborah
Meier and Harry Boyte urge readers to put the energy, talents, wisdom, and
hard w...
Site News: New Home for Education News & Commentary
Quick! Get over there! The daily education news roundup and education
commentaries that you're probably looking for are now being published over
at The Gra...
Should We Be Grateful?
In an odd turn of events, and with little explanation, Michigan Governor
Rick Snyder has decided to return the state’s School Reform Office back to
the Dep...
An Open Letter to NC Lawmakers
An Open Letter to NC State Lawmakers and NC State Superintendent Mark
Johnson: I am a NC native, voter, and public school teacher. I am
addressing you all ...
The Secret to Fixing Schools (My Next Bestseller)
The Secret to Fixing Schools (My next bestseller) Prologue I just finished
watching a fascinating documentary on Netflix entitled, “The Secret”. The
film p...
Farewell, Sleep
Today is the official last day of my spring break. I've done a scientific
survey: My natural bedtime is 2 AM, and my natural wake up time is 9:41
AM. Tom...
REPORT: States With the Best and Worst Schools
States With the Best (and Worst)Schools
By *Evan Comen, Michael B. Sauter, Samuel Stebbins and Thomas C. Frohlich*
January 20, 2017-
Test Refusal = People Power
In recent months, social media has been ablaze with talk of regular folk
taking action to resist the Trump agenda. Protests are a daily occurrence,
and ev...
Random Musings and Observations. . . .
I’ve been gone a while from the blogging scene. Some of my more regular
readers no doubt noticed but did not hassle me about it. Thank you for
that. Sinc...
By Michael Stratford | in the Politco Morning Education Report | via email
05/24/2016 10:00 AM EDT :: Two national education groups are backing a
My new blog will consist of fictitious headlines, meant to be a blend of
humor and satire. I apologize ahead of time if any other satirical site has
Thank you
Dear Readers,
Thank you for visiting *The Perimeter Primate*. This blog is being retired
for the time being. Although I no longer post here, I do still s...
I am Retiring
I have some news: I am retiring from the PBS NewsHour and Learning Matters.
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other
New Beginnings: Kickstarter and EdWeek Teacher
Greetings to InterACT readers one and all! If you’ve been following posts
here recently you might recall that I’m moving my blogging activity to
other loca...
Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School
*“With Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School closing, Newark families must
move on.”* The Star-Ledger (NJ), 6/25/2013
NEWARK — Bobby and Troy Shanks saw the...
Texas: Calling All Parents Whose Children Have Been Subjected to Rigged Tests | Diane Ravitch's blog Texas: Calling All Parents Whose Children Have Been Subjected to Rigged Tests exans Advocating for Meaningful Student Assessment (TAMSA) [aka Moms Against Drunk Testing] needs your help to fight abusive testing. We learned recently that the state tests (STAAR) is set two grade levels above where c
The Oakland Teachers Strike Isn’t Just a Walk Out—It’s a Direct Challenge to Neoliberalism The Oakland Teachers Strike Isn’t Just a Walk Out—It’s a Direct Challenge to Neoliberalism Though at first glance, the Oakland teachers’ strike, now in its seventh day, may seem simply yet another in the wave of teacher walkouts this year, it in fact represents a watershed in resistance to neoliberal econom
Where Is America's Blackest City? Where Is America's Blackest City? America's Blackest City For Black History Month, we asked writers to explain why they think their hometown, current residence or notable place deserves the title of America’s Blackest City by defining a city’s history, music, cuisine, notable figures, and cultural touchstone/unique black fact. How do you define the blackness of a
'Norma Rae' and When Race Is Used to Weaken Unions - The Atlantic What Norma Rae Understood About Unions and Racial Solidarity Forty years ago, the Sally Field–starring drama was keenly aware of how corporations often attempt to sow division between black and white workers. The most enduring image of the film Norma Rae , which was released 40 years ago, is surely Sally Field’s titular character s
Do I still really want to be a teacher? Do I still really want to be a teacher? After this week I have to wonder, for lots of reasons. Let me start by acknowledging that the leadership of the school where I work and my fellow educators are quite supportive of me, and after yesterday’s deadline to notify me if I were not being brought back, I have in theory the guarantee of continued employment fo
Teaching Math at MetWest (Part 3) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice Teaching Math at MetWest (Part 3) After walking into the classroom, I sit down at a table with another student and wave hello to the young teacher. On the whiteboard are the objectives for the day: Geometry *Do Intro task now *$$$$$$$ *exit ticket Lawrence Teng, wearing chinos and a plaid shirt is a first-year
The Reality Check: OAKLAND TEACHERS FIGHT FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION OAKLAND TEACHERS FIGHT FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION OAKLAND TEACHERS FIGHT FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION By David Bacon Truthout Photoessay, 2/26/19 Teachers and students carry a banner from their school, Oakland Technical High School. Students and parents have come
SBE Agenda for March 2019 - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education) SBE Agenda for March 2019 Agenda for the California State Board of Education (SBE) meeting on March 13-14, 2019. State Board Members Ilene W. Straus, Vice President Sue Burr Linda Darling-Hammond Feliza I. Ortiz-Licon Patricia A. Rucker Niki Sandoval Ting L. Sun Gema Q. Cardenas, Student Member Secretary & Executive Offic
Jackie Goldberg: A Chance to Reclaim our Public Schools Jackie Goldberg: A Chance to Reclaim our Public Schools “ Jackie has a long history as a public servant with a passionate voice in defense of public education. ” - Network for Public Education Action When Ref Rodriguez pleaded guilty to felony charges related to campaign finance violations last July and was forced to resign from his Los Ange
Oakland: District and Teachers Reach Agreement | Diane Ravitch's blog Oakland: District and Teachers Reach Agreement This press release came from the Oakland Unified School district. It does not mention mention any agreement on the teachers’ demand to call a halt to privatization, which sucked nearly $60 million out of the budget last year. OUSD and OEA Come to Historic Agreement to End Teachers’
A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty : Health and Medicine Division A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty This new consensus study report from the Board on Children, Youth, and Families concludes that poverty causes negative outcomes for children, especially if it occurs in early childhood or persists through a large part of childhood. More than 9.6 million U.S. children live in families with annual
Chicago schools have led nation in academic growth — under an appointed board | Chicago Sun-Times DUNCAN: ‘It Is Clear to Me That Mayoral Control Is by Far the Better Approach’ Than Elected School Boards OPINION Chicago schools have led nation in academic growth — under an appointed board Polls suggest that a majority of Chicagoans favor an elected school board or some hybrid version of elected a
Politics of Compliance v. Politics of Resistance: “We don’t need no education” | radical eyes for equity Politics of Compliance v. Politics of Resistance: “We don’t need no education” We don’t need no education We don’t need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teacher leave the kids alone “Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2,” Pink Floyd The December 2018 incident involving high scho
Illegal immigration taxes: Unauthorized immigrants pay state taxes - Vox Undocumented immigrants pay millions of dollars in state taxes — even in the reddest states All the money undocumented immigrants pay in state taxes, in one map. President Donald Trump insists that there’s a national emergency at the “ very dangerous southern border .” He’s called it an “ invasion ” of undocumented immigrant
The Haunting Prediction in Kerner Commission's Racism Report | Time This Government Report Showed How Racism Was Dividing America 50 Years Ago. Its Prediction Is Haunting On July 27, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson stood before a national television audience to announce the creation of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (NACCD). The speech followed deadly and destructive riots in
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all Angie Sullivan Blasts Nevada Legislators and Power Brokers Who Refuse to Fund the Public Schools by dianeravitch / 1h Angie Sullivan is a firebrand on behalf of children in Nevada. She is a first grade teachers in Las Vegas (Clark County), which most people think of
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... New Ed Week Video: “K-12 Performance Assessment Terms Explained” by Larry Ferlazzo / 2h PDPics / Pixabay I’m adding this new Ed Week video to The Best Resources For Learning About Performance Assessment : Gold Mine: “Teach About Climate Change With These 24 New Y
CURMUDGUCATION: Teach For America: Now With Less Teaching Teach For America: Now With Less Teaching Teach for America has always been a work in progress, an evolving enterprise in search of a reason to keep existing. Once upon a time it was all about teaching and plugging holes in the system. Then it was about supplanting traditional teachers (and trying not to say out loud that they needed to be
Ohio Voucher Promoters Mislead: EdChoice Vouchers Eat Up Local Dollars and Ruin District Budgets | janresseger Ohio Voucher Promoters Mislead: EdChoice Vouchers Eat Up Local Dollars and Ruin District Budgets On Tuesday evening, the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity , and the American Federation for Children —the group affiliated through the years with Betsy DeVos—sponsored a meeting at my l
Guess which state spends the most public funds on private and religious school education. (Hint: Betsy DeVos has a house there.) - The Washington Post Guess which state spends the most public funds on private and religious school education. (Hint: Betsy DeVos has a house there.) Education Secretary Betsy DeVos just announced she is backing Senate legislation that would create the first federally
Louisiana’s Teach for America Contracts: Not As Lucrative as They Used to Be, But Still There. | deutsch29 Louisiana’s Teach for America Contracts: Not As Lucrative as They Used to Be, But Still There. On February 22, 2019, I submitted a public records request for “all contracts between the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) and Teach for America (TFA) from 2016 to date.” The result yielded
NYC Public School Parents: The reality vs the hype of Teach to One The reality vs the hype of Teach to One On February 28, Digital Learning day. Last week, two different studies came out about the results of the well-known blended learning program originally called “School of One” and now called “Teach to One”, created and sold to schools by an organization named New Classrooms. If you want to cu
Are Your Students Watching History? | Teacher in a strange land Are Your Students Watching History? One of the more intriguing aspects of Wednesday’s fascinating, glued-to-the-tube Congressional train wreck was the backchannel Twitter conversation among teachers. Specifically: How do we talk to our students about this? Are we watching this with our seniors in government class? It’s history in the
I Used to be a Reporter. Now I’m a Teacher. I’ve Become What I Used to Observe | gadflyonthewallblog I Used to be a Reporter. Now I’m a Teacher. I’ve Become What I Used to Observe A long time ago, in a newsroom far, far away; your humble narrator was a respected journalist. Today I am a beloved school teacher in a suburban middle school. Okay. That may be laying it on a bit thick. Like any human
Newsom fast-tracks legislation to hold charter schools to same standards as public schools - Los Angeles Times Newsom fast-tracks legislation to hold charter schools to same standards as public schools BREAKING NEWS! SB 126 has passed both houses of the legislature and is now headed to Governor Newsom’s desk! Thank you to all our supporters for your phone calls and advocacy to bring accountabilit
Sign a Petition to Change the Charter Law in California | Diane Ravitch's blog Sign a Petition to Change the Charter Law in California Allies who met at the Oakland conference of the Network for Public Educare are petitioning to regulate charter schools so they don’t harm public schools. Dear Friend of Public Education: On behalf of Educators for Democratic Schools , and Wellstone Democratic Club
Oakland parents lead ‘strike schools’ in homes as negotiations continue - SFGate Oakland parents lead ‘strike schools’ in homes as negotiations continue Inside Alicia Johnson’s Berkeley home Wednesday, a handful of kindergartners finished their morning math activity at the dining table and dashed downstairs to a playroom filled with a meandering train track, a rubber T. rex, costumes and a toy ki
Highlights from Projections of Education Statistics to 2027 HIGHLIGHTS FROM PROJECTIONS OF EDUCATION STATISTICS TO 2027 Projections of Education Statistics to 2027 is the 46th in a series of publications initiated in 1964. This report provides national-level data on enrollment, teachers, high school graduates, and expenditures at the elementary and secondary level, and enrollment and degrees at t
LA City Council Says California Needs to Increase Education Spending - NBC Southern California LA City Council Says California Needs to Increase Education Spending A little over a month removed from a strike by the Los Angeles teachers union, the City Council Tuesday approved a resolution calling for California public schools to be funded at the national average or higher by the year 2020, and at
The Rise of the *Portfolio* Model for Schools – Have You Heard The Rise of the *Portfolio* Model for Schools The portfolio model of school district management—it sounds technocratic, even a little bit weedy and yet it’s arguably one of the hottest button topics in our great education debate today. You may have heard the ‘p’ word mentioned in the context of recent teachers strikes in LA and Denver
Linda Darling-Hammond at AASA: Testing Is Not Reform | Diane Ravitch's blog Linda Darling-Hammond at AASA: Testing Is Not Reform The newly appointed chair of the California State Board of Education Linda Darling-Hammond spoke to the national conference of the American Association of School Administrators (the School Superintendents Association) and denounced the American reliance on high-stakes t
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Proposes State Budget that Would Slow School Privatization | janresseger Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Proposes State Budget that Would Slow School Privatization Wisconsin’s new governor, Tony Evers released a budget plan on Tuesday that confronts the school privatization agenda of former Governor Scott Walker and what remains a Republican-dominated Wisconsin Legisla
Betsy DeVos and her allies are trying to redefine ‘public education.' Critics call it ‘absurd.' - The Washington Post Betsy DeVos and her allies are trying to redefine ‘public education.' Critics call it ‘absurd.' Florida’s new governor is right on board In September 1875, President Ulysses S. Grant traveled to Des Moines, where he gave a speech that said in part: "Encourage free schools and reso
Cartoons about School and District Leaders | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice Cartoons about School and District Leaders Here are some pokes at principals and superintendents that may get you to smile or grimace, chuckle or frown. Some may even get you to laugh. If so, I have accomplished what I set out to do with this collection. Enjoy! MORE CARTOONS: Cartoons about School and
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Cuts Happening Throughout Seattle Schools Cuts Happening Throughout Seattle Schools From Facebook: I just learned that my school Franklin will be losing 6 full time teachers next year. Other South Seattle schools are also apparently losing teachers. For a district supposedly committed to equity this is shocking. We'll have to either cut out some of our electives (
NYC Public School Parents: Requiem for the Renewal schools: What a sad waste of time, money and human lives. Requiem for the Renewal schools: What a sad waste of time, money and human lives. Yesterday, the Mayor and the Chancellor Carranza announced an end to the Renewal program, which has cost the city $773 million since 2014. Since that time, of the 94 schools put on the list by Carmen Farina,
How DeVos & Co. Use Special Ed. to Privatize Public Schools and End Student Services How DeVos & Co. Use Special Ed. to Privatize Public Schools and End Student Services Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and her corporate friends are about dumping civil rights protections regarding IDEA. Special education has become a means to transform public education into choice and charter schools while ending
Thurmond Statement on the Teachers' Strike in OUSD - Year 2019 (CA Dept of Education State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Statement on the Teachers' Strike in Oakland Unified School District OAKLAND—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond participated in two all-day negotiation meetings this week between the Oakland Unified School District and the Oakland Education Association. Oak
'Rise' and Shine: ESP National Award Seeks Congressional Approval ‘Rise’ and Shine: ESP National Award Seeks Congressional Approval (Update 2/25: By a vote of 387-19, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H.R. 276 . A similar bill was passed more than 10 years ago in the House before it died in the Senate. A bill honoring ESPs has not had a vote since. Known as the Recognizing I
Editorial | Bay Area must show support for Oakland Teachers Strike Show your support for Oakland teachers on strike BAY AREA AFFAIRS: Community members should stand in solidarity with Oakland teachers’ demands to improve public education Last Thursday, Oakland teachers went on strike to demand better conditions for both students and employees. Berkeley High School teachers joined the protest to s
Report: Every State Now Measures Student Progress in Its Own Fashion -- THE Journal Report: Every State Now Measures Student Progress in Its Own Fashion Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, 48 states have signed on to measure student academic progress. What's good about this approach is that it goes beyond the previously used one-time test score comparison. What's not so good is that every singl
L.A. school board signals support for an education tax increase this year - Los Angeles Times L.A. school board signals support for an education tax increase this year Hoping to harness the momentum of a six-day teachers' strike that drew broad public sympathy, L.A. schools Supt. Austin Beutner is pushing a measure to raise local taxes for education. If Board of Education members approve the plan
GiveWell expands cost-effective giving focus to include policy interventions - Vox Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. But if you lobby for better fishing policy… A charity focused on cost-effective giving is shifting its sights toward influencing policy. What’s the most cost-effective way to help people? Lots of people have tried to answer that question. Donors care, a lot, about whether the c
3rd Grade Reading Guarantees: Impact Investors Build System To Terrorize Eight Year Olds – Wrench in the Gears 3rd Grade Reading Guarantees: Impact Investors Build System To Terrorize Eight Year Olds I know a number of activists out there are working to raise awareness around the brutality of third grade reading guarantees. These laws demand students achieve a specific score on standardized readi
The LAUSD’s Revolving Door Continues The LAUSD’s Revolving Door Continues Kids First ” – LAUSD School Board slogan While claiming poverty, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is currently spending $2.4 million on the special election to replace admitted felon and charter school supporter Ref Rodriguez . The District’s General Counsel, David Holmquist, was asked by Board Member Scott M
Trump Creates a Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela While a Real One is Right Here in Our Schools | Dissident Voice Trump Creates a Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela While a Real One is Right Here in Our Schools A created political farce played out with the frightening consequences for war against Venezuela resting in the balance on its border with Colombia this weekend, as the Trump Administration u
Essential Reading: Peter Greene’s Expose of Ohio’s State Takeover of the Lorain City Schools | janresseger Essential Reading: Peter Greene’s Expose of Ohio’s State Takeover of the Lorain City Schools Retired high school English teacher in Western Pennsylvania, prolific blogger—and recently a columnist on education at Forbes Magazine , Peter Greene has published the tragic story of the state takeo
The College Board “Nonprofit”: Oh, the Money One Can Make! | deutsch29 The College Board “Nonprofit”: Oh, the Money One Can Make! The College Board is actually a nonprofit entity (EIN 13-1623965), but don’t let that fool you. The money is a-flowing, and for College Board’s top admin, testing is turning out to be quite the lucrative racket. David Coleman, College Board Let’s just consider some inf
NYC Educator: Zombie Plague of Bad Teachers in Press--Real Ones Just Go to Work Zombie Plague of Bad Teachers in Press--Real Ones Just Go to Work Someone put the bat signal on my Cory Booker post and I've gotten a few status quo questions. I've responded to them, but I really hate answering questions like that. What would you do about all the teachers who suck? We'd respect the union more if it d
Chavez Charter Chain Teachers, Newly Unionized, Decry School Closing | GFBrandenburg's Blog Chavez Charter Chain Teachers, Newly Unionized, Decry School Closing Last night I attended a hearing at the ‘Public’ Charter School Board on 14th St NW here in Washington DC to support the teachers at Chavez Prep Middle School, which the un-elected chain’s board has decided to close. Mark Simon wrote on Fa
Debunking 3 myths about black students — using data and logic - The Washington Post Debunking 3 myths about black students — using data and logic Ivory A. Toldson, a professor of counseling psychology at Howard University, has a new book with a mouthful of a title and an important message: “ No BS (Bad Stats): Black People Need People Who Believe in Black People Enough Not to Believe Every Bad Th
Why Schools Have Such Strict Bathroom Rules - The Atlantic When Schools Tell Kids They Can’t Use the Bathroom By imposing harsh restrictions on when students can use the restroom, educators are teaching kids to ignore their bladder. Most people probably take their bathroom privileges for granted, heading to the toilet in their home or office whenever the need arises without thinking much about it
School Districts Serving Students Of Color Have Less Money : NPR Why White School Districts Have So Much More Money In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that segregated public schools are unconstitutional. In 2018, on the 64th anniversary of that ruling, a lawsuit filed in New Jersey claimed that state's schools are some of the most segregated in the nation. That's beca
Proposed legislation would substantially curb growth of California charter schools | EdSource Proposed legislation would substantially curb growth of California charter schools Restrictions would limit appeals, cap number of new charters, factor fiscal impact The chairman of the Assembly Education Committee and several Democratic colleagues introduced a package of bills Monday that would impose s
John Thompson: Oklahoma’s “Staggering” Teacher Exodus | Diane Ravitch's blog John Thompson: Oklahoma’s “Staggering” Teacher Exodus John Thompson writes from Oklahoma: The Tulsa World’s headline nailed the big picture, “‘Staggering’: 30,000 Oklahoma Teachers Have Left Profession in the Past Six Years, Report Shows.” The World’s Michael Dekker cites State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister who explained
Oakland Strike: Teachers and District at Odds About Privatization | Diane Ravitch's blog Oakland Strike: Teachers and District at Odds About Privatization FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement by Keith Brown President, Oakland Education Association, on Status of Contract Talks I do not believe that it is helpful to bargain contracts through the media. Up until now I have refrained from discussing detai
No! We Aren't Cancelling Black History Month - We Want to Ensure Diversity Is Year Round And Diversify Our Teachers While We Are At It - Philly's 7th Ward NO! WE AREN’T CANCELLING BLACK HISTORY MONTH – WE WANT TO ENSURE DIVERSITY IS YEAR ROUND AND DIVERSIFY OUR TEACHERS WHILE WE ARE AT IT Earlier this month, in these pages , Philadelphia writer Ernest Owens argued that we should cancel Black Hist
No Such Thing as a Regulated, Public, or Good Charter School | Dissident Voice No Such Thing as a Regulated, Public, or Good Charter School There are many diversionary dichotomies within the unscrupulous web of charter school disinformation that have long distorted social consciousness and undermined the fight for social progress and high quality education for all. Some include the following: reg
Amid fiscal turmoil, Sac Unified faces possible state takeover Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly: The Newspaper of California State Government and Politics. Amid fiscal turmoil, Sac Unified faces possible state takeover As the Sacramento City Unified School District faces a $35 million budget shortfall and a possible takeover by the state, the teachers’ union is pointing fingers of
Sacramento City USD parents express concerns over 'state takeover' | Sacramento City USD parents express concerns over 'state takeover' Parents worry about their kids' education as the Sacramento City Unified School District continues to figure out how it can prevent being taken over by the state. SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Sacramento City Unified School District is still trying to figure
Oakland’s Teachers Are On Strike: How Charters Have Contributed to the School District’s Fiscal Crisis | janresseger Oakland’s Teachers Are On Strike: How Charters Have Contributed to the School District’s Fiscal Crisis In Oakland, California the school district is broke, and the teachers are on strike. In a major report published last May, the political economist Gordon Lafer described the fisca
CURMUDGUCATION: FL: Further Dismantling Public Education FL: Further Dismantling Public Education Here are two not-entirely-academic questions: Is it possible to end public education in an entire state? Can Florida become any more hostile to public education than it already is? Newly-minted Governor Ron DeSantis and a wild cast of privatization cronies seem to answer a resounding "yes" to both qu
2019 Medley #4 | Live Long and Prosper 2019 Medley #4 Disrespecting Teachers, Benefits of a Book-oriented Home, Math is for Boys and Girls, Poverty Affects Achievement, Bill of Rights for School Children. THE DISRESPECT OF TEACHERS Our Public Schools Aren’t Failing; We’re Failing Our Public Schools As professionals, teachers are disrespected. Ed reformers blame teachers for “failing schools” but
Education Research Report: Nonwhite school districts get $23 Billion less than white districts despite serving the same number of students Nonwhite school districts get $23 Billion less than white districts despite serving the same number of students Complete report The story of our communities can in many ways be told through the lens of the school districts that serve our children. More than or
Are these standardized test questions too hard for kids? - The Washington Post Are these standardized test questions too hard for kids? Texas Monthly published a story — “Are Texas Kids Failing? Or Are the Tests Rigged? ” — which raises questions about whether questions on the state’s high-stakes standardized English Language Arts tests are written above grade level for many children. One Texas l
Green Book Is Not Our Story – Sam Chaltain GREEN BOOK IS NOT OUR STORY It has been more than fifty years since James Baldwin first named the knotted pathology that has ensnared White and Black America in an intimate dance of mutual self-destruction for, well, ever. “The failure to look reality in the face diminishes a nation as it diminishes a person,” he wrote. America has failed, he said, becau
State superintendent intervenes in contract talks on Day 3 of Oakland teachers strike State superintendent intervenes in contract talks on Day 3 of Oakland teachers strike Officials say Tony Thurmond will try to help both the district and the union find common ground. CLICK HERE if you are having a problem viewing the photos on a mobile device OAKLAND — State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Public Education Department plans to scrap A-F grading system | Education | Public Education Department plans to scrap A-F grading system The New Mexico Public Education Department aims to scrap the state’s A-F grading system for public schools, which critics have said puts too much emphasis on student test scores. Under proposed changes to the state’s plan to comply with th
Shorting The Lives of Children: No Small Matter – Wrench in the Gears Shorting The Lives of Children: No Small Matter As I wrote in a previous post , “Don’t Let Impact Investors Capture the Non-Profit, Activist Media,” documentary film has been hijacked to advance the social impact investment agenda. I touched on it in a piece about Ted Dintersmith’s, Most Likely to Succeed . Dintersmith launched
The Year of the Public School: 2019! | Diane Ravitch's blog The Year of the Public School: 2019! This is a message from theNetwork for Public Education. 2019 will be the year of the public school, with your help and support. “From West Virginia to California teachers are boldly standing up for themselves, their students and their schools. Teachers are walking out due to a lack of sufficient fundi
New study casts doubts on effectiveness of personalized learning program in New Jersey - The Hechinger Report New study casts doubts on effectiveness of personalized learning program in New Jersey Results highlight debate over how to measure what's working in the classroom when kids are learning different things I n the fall of 2015, five schools in the industrial port city of Elizabeth, New Jers
Whatever Happened to Media Literacy in Schools? | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice Whatever Happened to Media Literacy in Schools? Far more policy talk than classroom action is the short answer. The long answer is below in the questions I ask. Where and When Did the Idea Originate? Having students become media literate across school subjects has been talked about since the earl
Badass Teachers Association Blog: Protect the Mental Health of Students and Teachers Protect the Mental Health of Students and Teachers As February comes to an end, we’ve been reflecting on the important movements in education highlighted this month. The Black Lives Matter at School movement is fighting for racial j ustice in schools across the country. Teachers Against Child Detention highlights
CURMUDGUCATION: OH: Lorain CEO's Purge Announcement Raises Fury OH: Lorain CEO's Purge Announcement Raises Fury Last Thursday night, David Hardy, the state-appointed takeover CEO for Lorain City Schools told the public that all teachers at the high school would have to reapply for their jobs. If you want to read about how they arrived at this point, that story is here . This is just the next chap
Let's Make 2019 "The Year of the Public School." - Network For Public Education Let’s Make 2019 “The Year of the Public School.” From West Virginia to California teachers are boldly standing up for themselves, their students and their schools. Teachers are walking out due to a lack of sufficient funding, which has resulted in the deterioration of salaries, fewer services for children and increase
Fla GOP making schools separate and unequal again - YouTube Fla GOP making schools separate and unequal again Florida Senate Republicans unveiled their education plan this week, and it’s looking very much like the governor’s. Among the proposals, an expansion of the school voucher program, allowing general revenue taxes, which provide public school funding, to be spent on private school tuition.
Arizona 'alternative' schools are failing at-risk students, Republic finds Arizona's at-risk students go to 'alternative' schools. Then the system fails them The lowest-performing students end up in the Charter schools with the least accountability, according to an analysis by The Arizona Republic. William Hollis enrolled his son at StarShine Academy because he hoped the school would offer Matthe
Help NPE-Action Keep Score on the 2020 Presidential Candidates | Diane Ravitch's blog Help NPE-Action Keep Score on the 2020 Presidential Candidates The Network for Public Education Action fund is developing a web-based score card for the 2020 presidential candidates. We need YOUR help! We want to keep score on where the candidates stand on issues that matter to students, teachers, parents, and p
At What Point Do We Stop Blaming Teachers? - Teacher Habits At What Point Do We Stop Blaming Teachers? At the beginning of this school year, TNTP released a report called, The Opportunity Myth , in which they repeated a golden oldie from the reform agenda’s playlist: Public schools suck and it’s mostly because public school teachers suck. They didn’t come right out and say that, of course, but it
Teach for America Supplements Lost Money for Oakland TFAers on Strike | deutsch29 Teach for America Supplements Lost Money for Oakland TFAers on Strike One of the complications of ed reform is that its enlistees might just try to assert themselves, even in the face of being told (subtly or otherwise) that their ed reform org involvement has some fine print to which they were not privy upon signin
The Myth of the Super TFA Teacher is Crushed by TFA’s Own Research | GFBrandenburg's Blog The Myth of the Super TFA Teacher is Crushed by TFA’s Own Research A study conducted in Texas with the cooperation of Teach for America claims to pretend that TFA teachers are more effective than their peers. We’ve all heard this claim before, including from frauds like Michelle Rhee, who made up fables abou
Louisiana Educator: Louisiana Education's Myth of High Standards Louisiana Education's Myth of High Standards If there is one thing Louisiana State Superintendent John White stands for its higher standards! In 2012 Governor Jindal and the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) engineered the appointment of John White (An individual with basically zero education credentials) to the
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: So Long, February Edition (2/24) ICYMI: So Long, February Edition Well, that just flew by. Here's a good batch of reading from the week. Remember, if it speaks to you, help it speak to somebody else. Betsy DeVos vs. Student Veterans By easing up on predatory for-profit colleges, DeVos has really stuck it to veterans trying to get an education. TFA Celebrates New Research Th