Californians must support all students

In this new era of local control, a teacher’s role in school improvement is changing. Educator-driven school improvement works because what teachers do is an art as much as it is a science, and it is a lot more than a test score. The best teachers understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses, and adapt their practices to both.
Real education improvement capitalizes on the fantastic pool of talent California has in classrooms today, and the diverse approaches we offer our students.
California’s Day of the Teacher on May 10 has its roots in the community and is patterned after the celebration of the traditional “El Día del Maestro,” which is observed in Mexico and Latin America countries. Our California’s Day of the Teacher arose out of legislation cosponsored by the California Teachers Association and the Association of Mexican American Educators in 1982. Since then, as our student population has grown and become much more diverse, California has increased in prominence on the world stage, and is now home to the 6th-largest economy in the world.
As teachers, we know that our diversity makes us stronger. We see it play out every day in our classrooms and on the playgrounds, and that’s why we celebrate, embrace and protect it. Teachers know what works best when it comes to improving student learning, and the simple fact is…one size doesn’t fit all. Some students need more one-on-one attention that’s only possible with smaller class sizes. Some need after-Californians must support all students | EdSource: