Mental Health
Provides strategies, resources, and training in psychological and mental health issues, including coping with tragedy, crisis intervention and prevention, school psychology and suicide prevention.
Program Overview
Mental health services in schools include a broad range of services, settings, and strategies.
Mental health services in schools include a broad range of services, settings, and strategies.
Model Youth Suicide Prevention Policy (DOC)
This sample policy document is meant to serve as a model for local educational agencies (LEA). Following the passage of Assembly Bill 2246 (Chapter 642, Statutes of 2016), LEAs that serve pupils in grades seven to twelve, inclusive, must adopt a policy on pupil suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention before the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.
This sample policy document is meant to serve as a model for local educational agencies (LEA). Following the passage of Assembly Bill 2246 (Chapter 642, Statutes of 2016), LEAs that serve pupils in grades seven to twelve, inclusive, must adopt a policy on pupil suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention before the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.
Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup
The Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup will assess the current mental health needs of California students and gather evidence to support its policy recommendations to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the California Legislature.
The Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup will assess the current mental health needs of California students and gather evidence to support its policy recommendations to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the California Legislature.
Project Cal-Well
A project to promote mental health awareness and wellness among California's kindergarten through twelfth grade students.
A project to promote mental health awareness and wellness among California's kindergarten through twelfth grade students.
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
The California Department of Health Care Services is the primary resource for accessing information about the Act, including updates and activities related to local planning efforts.

The California Department of Health Care Services is the primary resource for accessing information about the Act, including updates and activities related to local planning efforts.
- MHSA E-mail Subscription
- MHSA County Coordinators
- Mental Health Services Act - CalEdFacts
This content is part of California Department of Education's information and media guide about education in the State of California. For similar information on other topics, visit the full CalEdFacts.
K12MH Listserv
To receive information about the K-12 Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention planning and implementation process, send a blank message to To unsubscribe, send a blank message to
Resources for psychological and mental health issues, including coping with tragedy, crisis intervention and prevention, school psychology, and suicide prevention.
Resources for psychological and mental health issues, including coping with tragedy, crisis intervention and prevention, school psychology, and suicide prevention.
Questions: Educational Options, Student Support, and American Indian Education Office | 916-323-2183
Mental Health - Counseling/Student Support (CA Dept of Education):