‘I’ve Seen Firsthand All That Teachers Do’: Q&A with Todd Parr, Author of ‘Teachers Rock!’

With messages of acceptance, kindness and love, Todd Parr’s books — like It’s OK to Be Different and the I Love You Book — are timely and timeless and have long been the favorites of kids everywhere. NEA Today caught up with Parr to talk about one of our favorite books, Teachers Rock!, which is about all the ways teachers change the world (and that also comes with a free Back-to—School poster!).
What inspired you to write Teachers Rock?
Todd Parr: I wanted to celebrate teachers who I feel can be under-appreciated but who have a lifelong impact on their students. For instance, my second grade teacher Ms. Dona really helped me learn to read. I had reading problems and dyslexia and now, because of Ms. Dona, I’m writing children’s books. I wanted to celebrate teachers like her that don’t give up on kids. Over the years I’ve been in schools all over the country and see firsthand all that teachers do. I felt like not enough people were acknowledging the hard work they do every day, from cleaning up messes to helping kids handle issues at home to buying their own classroom supplies. It seemed like people expected that from teachers but weren’t talking about how wonderful how life-lasting their efforts are.
Who was your favorite teacher?
TP: My second grade teacher Ms. Dona, as strict as she was. But it was tough love and she helped me overcome so many challenges. Also, Mrs. Judson, my fourth grade teacher, who allowed me to express myself. I had all kinds of crazy ideas and I wanted to put on my own play. I had no idea know what I was doing. This was Wyoming — there was no such thing as theater! But I had a very vivid imagination and Mrs. Judson 'I've Seen Firsthand All That Teachers Do': Q&A with Todd Parr, Author of 'Teachers Rock!' - NEA Today: