Dept of Ed Hires Anti-Civil Rights Crusader to Protect Student’s Nonexistent Civil Rights

Candice Jackson is a victim of oppression.
When she was attending Stanford University in the mid-1990s, a minority calculus tutoring group refused to help her because she was white.
Sure she could probably afford to pay for private tutoring, but it was the point of the thing.
She came from a family where both parents ran medical practices. Her dad, Dr. Rick Jackson, even unsuccessfully ran for Congress. You know – just like black families redlined into the ghetto and struggling to find work because of their African-sounding names.
Why shouldn’t the limited amount of tutoring spaces serve her as well as people from traditionally less privileged backgrounds? White lives matter, ya’ll.
“I am especially disappointed that the University encourages these and other discriminatory programs,” she wrote in the Stanford Review. “We need to allow each person to define his or her own achievements instead of assuming competence or incompetence based on race.”
With that kind of empathy and innate understanding of social justice, I – for one – am overjoyed that U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has hired Jackson to run the department’s Office for Civil Rights.
Well, she’s just acting head of the the office, because that doesn’t require a confirmation hearing. A permanent deputy assistant secretary will have to be approved by Congress – if DeVos ever gets around to nominating one.
I’m sure she’ll do that soon. There’s no way she’d sneak in someone who doesn’t believe in civil rights whose main job is to protect civil rights! That would be like Dept of Ed Hires Anti-Civil Rights Crusader to Protect Student’s Nonexistent Civil Rights | gadflyonthewallblog: