CURMUDGUCATION: Joy, Data and Jumbo Shrimp
CURMUDGUCATION: Joy, Data and Jumbo Shrimp: Joy, Data and Jumbo ShrimpSir Michael Barber is the Big Cheese of Pearson (Motto: All Your School Are Belong To Us), and he recently decided to celebrate Oxymoron Day by delivering a speech entitled "Joy and Data."While that speech spurred some twitter snark, nobody who wasn't actually in the room ever got to hear it. Barber is like that; he do
Climbing Rungless Ladders | WagTheDog
Climbing Rungless Ladders | WagTheDog:Climbing Rungless LaddersTalk with most ed reformers about the importance of the Common Core and many will bring up the need for higher learning standards and more academic rigor in the classroom.Unfortunately, misguided and poorly designed implementation efforts have resulted in many disadvantaged students being subjected to “grit building” learning activitie
Chicago Teachers Union | CTU to lead picket before Board of Ed meeting calling for end to charter expansion
Chicago Teachers Union | CTU to lead picket before Board of Ed meeting calling for end to charter expansion: CTU to lead picket before Board of Ed meeting calling for end to charter expansionBY CTU COMMUNICATIONS | 05/26/2015CHICAGO—The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has organized a picket line before the Chicago Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, May 27, to highlight the hypocrisy of the di
After Duval charter school closes, many ask: Where's the money? | jacksonville.com
After Duval charter school closes, many ask: Where's the money? | jacksonville.com: After Duval charter school closes, many ask: Where's the money?Founder shuttered two other schools, has prior record of bankruptcyDennis Mope’s dream of running a network of military-themed charter schools for at-risk students ended quickly and with little warning this month in Jacksonville and Orlando.Two of Mope’
How Common Core tests are scored: PARCC and Pearson graders can shoot for 60 answers per hour | cleveland.com
How Common Core tests are scored: PARCC and Pearson graders can shoot for 60 answers per hour | cleveland.com: How Common Core tests are scored: PARCC and Pearson graders can shoot for 60 answers per hourWESTERVILLE, Ohio – Grading a student answer each minute could easily be overwhelming for the 121 graders at Pearson Inc.'s Ohio scoring center for the new Common Core exams from PARCC.But this op
Gary Rubinstein’s Blog: I’ll Huffman and I’ll Puffman and I’ll Blow Your District Down | National Education Policy Center
Gary Rubinstein’s Blog: I’ll Huffman and I’ll Puffman and I’ll Blow Your District Down | National Education Policy Center: Gary Rubinstein’s Blog: I’ll Huffman and I’ll Puffman and I’ll Blow Your District DownKevin Huffman was the first Teach For America alum to become a state education commissioner. Despite having only taught for two years between 1992 and 1994 and having had no role related to
Hawaii Teachers Union Reformers: Old Guard Rejected Election “Because They Didn’t Like” Results - Working In These Times
Hawaii Teachers Union Reformers: Old Guard Rejected Election “Because They Didn’t Like” Results - Working In These Times: Hawaii Teachers Union Reformers: Old Guard Rejected Election “Because They Didn’t Like” ResultsThis post first appeared at Labor Notes.Remember the Hawaii teachers who in 2012 led a statewide work-to-rule campaign against low pay? This spring they won the top three spots in the
Proposed Changes to Education Act Undermine Civil-Rights Protections for New Majority of Students | Commentary : Roll Call Opinion
Proposed Changes to Education Act Undermine Civil-Rights Protections for New Majority of Students | Commentary : Roll Call Opinion: Proposed Changes to Education Act Undermine Civil-Rights Protections for New Majority of StudentsThis school year marks the first time in American history that students of color make up the majority of students in our nation’s public schools. This year also marks the
California Districts Not Focused on Needs of English Learners
Study of New School Accountability Plans Shows Districts Not Focused on Needs of English Learners: Study of New School Accountability Plans Shows Districts Not Focused on Needs of English LearnersReport on 1st Year of LCAP Calls for Stronger State Guidance, More Local Commitment to Research-based Approaches and Stronger Engagement With EL Families & Communities SACRAMENTO, Calif. (May 21, 2015
Making it rain tests: Are the new Common Core exams invalid? Inaccurate? | Cloaking Inequity
Making it rain tests: Are the new Common Core exams invalid? Inaccurate? | Cloaking Inequity: Making it rain tests: Are the new Common Core exams invalid? Inaccurate?In the Spring of 2015, tests developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium will be administered to well over 10 million students in 17 states to determine their proficiency on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
Hillsborough School Board member: Firing Superintendent MaryEllen Elia is a good deal
Hillsborough School Board member: Firing Superintendent MaryEllen Elia is a good deal: Board member: Firing superintendent is a good deal In other words: Our Gain is NY's Loss!Tampa, Florida -- One school board member is telling us that paying more than a million dollars to fire Superintendent MaryEllen Elia is actually a good deal for taxpayers.The Hillsborough County School Board is meeting righ
Breaking: Ex-Superintendent of Hillsborough County, Florida, Will Be Named New York State Commissioner | Diane Ravitch's blog
Breaking: Ex-Superintendent of Hillsborough County, Florida, Will Be Named New York State Commissioner | Diane Ravitch's blog: Breaking: Ex-Superintendent of Hillsborough County, Florida, Will Be Named New York State CommissionerThe Buffalo News reports that MaryEllen Elia will be selected by the New York Board of Regents as the next state commissioner of education, replacing the controversial Joh
CURMUDGUCATION: Standards: Agreements and Assurances
CURMUDGUCATION: Standards: Agreements and Assurances: Standards: Agreements and Assurances When we talk about standards, we are really talking about two different things-- and only one of them is real.AgreementsFor a while it was in vogue to compare educational standards to manufacturing standards like the standards for electrical outlets.Those sorts of standards represent an agreement-- the inter
Geaux Teacher!: Accountability is the Soup du Jour #flipbese
Geaux Teacher!: Accountability is the Soup du Jour: Accountability is the Soup du JourIn Louisiana, our top policymaker and his compliant BESE fall in line with U.S. Secretary Arne Duncan in believing that accountability can only be achieved by threats and punishment using standardized test scores as a measuring tool.High stakes standardized testing along with its punitive consequences are NOT imp
Encinitas parents are upset over facial recognition software on school-issued iPads. Page 2 of 2 | UTSanDiego.com
Encinitas parents are upset over facial recognition software on school-issued iPads. Page 2 of 2 | UTSanDiego.com: Parents up in arms over facial recognition softwareCritics of the program say it is wasteful spending and does little to allay their concerns over privacy. They also said it’s an unnecessary expense when schools are cutting music, arts and other programs.For sure, Encinitas is chartin
Educators and Parents Demand Less Testing … and Lawmakers Listen - NEA Today
Educators and Parents Demand Less Testing … and Lawmakers Listen - NEA Today: Educators and Parents Demand Less Testing … and Lawmakers ListenWith congressional efforts underway to reauthorize No Child Left Behind, a burgeoning movement of educators, school administrators, parents and students has blossomed in the fight against high-stakes standardized testing. Consequently, some school trustees,
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A 'Mussolini' for the schools?
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A 'Mussolini' for the schools?: A 'Mussolini' for the schools?Take your pick. Mussolini, Ivan the Terrible, or Rahm. An editorial in Friday's Trib calls on CPS to put a turnaround expert at the top of the school system, with "Mussolini-like powers to execute and implement."Two things -- First, it's probably not workable. Don't we already have an autocrat ru
Why Do We Separate the Teacher From the Tech? | My Island View
Why Do We Separate the Teacher From the Tech? | My Island View: Why Do We Separate the Teacher From the Tech?We are often bombarded with many posts and articles about the successes and failures of technology in education. Too often these assessments are based upon the technology as if it were the only factor having any effect on the students in the classroom. Of course this overlooks something tha
Eli and Edythe Broad Build a Museum for Their Art Collection - WSJ
Eli and Edythe Broad Build a Museum for Their Art Collection - WSJ: Eli and Edythe Broad Build a Museum for Their Art CollectionThis fall, billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad and his wife, Edythe, will open a namesake museum in downtown Los Angeles, which gathers for the first time their over 2,000 artworks in one placeFROM HIGH in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles’s newest landmark looks like a m
Berkowitz w/Barack Obama on School Choice, School Vouchers and racial profiling: On cable tonight | Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz
Berkowitz w/Barack Obama on School Choice, School Vouchers and racial profiling: On cable tonight | Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz: Berkowitz w/Barack Obama on School Choice, School Vouchers and racial profilingSen. Obama: What I am persuaded by is that there a bunch of creative ways-- whether it is charters creating competition within the schools, or thinking about tax programs that potential
At Smoky Hill High School, Common Core and tests not always easy sell - The Denver Post
At Smoky Hill High School, Common Core and tests not always easy sell - The Denver Post: At Smoky Hill High School, Common Core and tests not always easy sellTeaching to the Core | Part Three of ThreeAURORA — Yosef Abuharus is sick of explaining it all.The ninth-grader at Smoky Hill High School just wants to move on to the next question.He doesn't want to construct a math problem, figure out the a
Standardized tests in Pa. making it difficult for some to become a teacher | PhillyVoice
Standardized tests in Pa. making it difficult for some to become a teacher | PhillyVoice: Tests in Pa. hinder African-Americans who want to teachMinority students finding entry to teacher prep programs blocked by testsSOURCE/WWW.LINCOLN.EDU Lincoln University phased out its undergraduate education program, in part, because not enough students were passing the PAPA test.With two educators as parent
Editorial: APS board blows off bill for standardized tests | Albuquerque Journal News
Editorial: APS board blows off bill for standardized tests | Albuquerque Journal News: Editorial: APS board blows off bill for standardized testsOne lesson students should learn is that they are expected to meet their obligations. That includes paying their bills. But last week four Albuquerque Public Schools board members failed to show proficiency in that basic concept.The board on a 4-3 voice v
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/25/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMThe Washington Teacher: Principal Bullying in DC Public Schools: Our Hidden Little SecretThe Washington Teacher: Principal Bullying in DC Public Schools: Our Hidden Little Secret:Principal Bullying in DC Public Schools: Our Hidden Little SecretPrincipal Bullying in DC Public SchoolsBy Candi Peterson, WTU General Vice PresidentA great deal of attention has been g