PARCC Technical Advisor Says PARCC Is an “Evolving Enterprise”

On May 5, 2015, the Colorado Board of Education (CBE) held a special meeting about the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test. The meeting included the following panel as noted on the CBE website:
Dr. Lorrie Shepard, Dean, College of Education, University of Colorado BoulderDr. Kevin Welner, Director, National Education Policy Center (NEPC), Professor, University of Colorado BoulderDr. Derek Briggs, Professor and Program Chair, Research & Evaluation Methodology, University of Colorado BoulderDr. Sandra Bankes, Vice Chair, El Paso County Republican Party
Discussion by one of the PARCC panelists noted above, Derek Briggs of the University of Colorado (Boulder) and member of the PARCC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is the focus of this post.
Here is a brief description of the PARCC TAC:
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) advises PARCC as it develops a next-generation assessment system to ensure the assessments will provide reliable results to inform valid instructional and accountability decisions. The TAC is responsible for providing guidance on assessment design and development, and the research agenda of the consortium. The TAC meets three times a year.
Some unidentified individual/organization produced this 21-page, partial transcript of the meeting; the excerpt appears focused on Briggs’ commentary about PARCC but includes other speakers present at the meeting. (The audio archive can be found here.) The transcript comes with the following PARCC-sympathetic disclaimer:
This document has been transcribed in part, and is intended to be word-for-word accurate. Like PARCC, it should be considered an evolving enterprise,PARCC Technical Advisor Says PARCC Is an “Evolving Enterprise” | deutsch29: