The Washington Teacher: Principal Bullying in DC Public Schools: Our Hidden Little Secret
The Washington Teacher: Principal Bullying in DC Public Schools: Our Hidden Little Secret:Principal Bullying in DC Public Schools: Our Hidden Little SecretPrincipal Bullying in DC Public SchoolsBy Candi Peterson, WTU General Vice PresidentA great deal of attention has been given to bullying in schools since the inception of Bullying Prevention month which was first initiated in 2006. According to
What learning cursive really taught me - Quartz
What learning cursive really taught me - Quartz: What learning cursive really taught meSince the US Department of Education dropped cursive writing from the standard national curricula in 2011, the debate on the value of learning penmanship has raged.Some argue that the skill is obsolete, akin to learning how to use an abacus in the age of supercomputers. “[The] time kids spend learning to write c
Privatized schools are a public problem - Silver Chips Online
Silver Chips Online : Privatized schools are a public problem: Privatized schools are a public problemThe school reform movement is moving the wrong wayI think we can all agree that, though it has its fair share of issues, we have been given an amply-resourced and more-than-adequate education in the Montgomery County Public Schools system. This is something that we sometimes take for granted; a pu
CURMUDGUCATION: The Testing Circus: Whose Fault Is It?
CURMUDGUCATION: The Testing Circus: Whose Fault Is It?: The Testing Circus: Whose Fault Is It?Andrew Rotherman of Bellwether Education Partners, a reformster-filled thinky tank, took to the pages of US News last week to address the Testing Circus and shift the blame for it explain its origins.The ridiculous pep rallies? The matching t-shirts? The general Test Prep Squeezing Out Actual Education? T
And the Research said: Executive function: More about $$$ than Brains? - Ideas - The Boston Globe
Executive function not a panacea for education ills - Ideas - The Boston Globe: Executive function not a panacea for education illsONE OF THE hottest topics across the American education system is a set of cognitive skills called executive function. Curriculums based around improving executive function have been deployed in some of the country’s top schools to make their top students even better.
A Plea to Ed Tech Entrepreneurs (Randy Weiner) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
A Plea to Ed Tech Entrepreneurs (Randy Weiner) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: A Plea to Ed Tech Entrepreneurs (Randy Weiner) Randy Weiner is a co-founder and CEO at BrainQuake, a co-founder at Urban Montessori Charter School in Oakland, CA and former Board Chair, a former teacher, father to two elementary school-aged daughters. In this post, he uses the phrase “we” to refer
CURMUDGUCATION: Bell Curve Beatdown
CURMUDGUCATION: Bell Curve Beatdown: Bell Curve BeatdownIf you are only going to read one blog post this month, it should be this post by Jersey Jazzman about standardized testing. Come for sentences like this one:This can't be stressed enough in the testing debates: we design tests not based on objective criteria, but on socially constructed frameworks that assume some of us are above average, so
Petition from Central High: State policies hurt disabled, violate the law, cause “chaos.” | Bob Braun's Ledger
Petition from Central High: State policies hurt disabled, violate the law, cause “chaos.” | Bob Braun's Ledger: Petition from Central High: State policies hurt disabled, violate the law, cause “chaos.”Newark’s Central High School: Facing chaos? Picture is from NPS websiteMoveOn.Org has posted a petition apparently written by a courageous Newark principal, backed by an equally brave staff, that pr
Public-Sector Jobs Vanish, Hitting Blacks Hard -
Public-Sector Jobs Vanish, Hitting Blacks Hard - Public-Sector Jobs Vanish, Hitting Blacks HardRichard Ingram Jr., with his son Richard, is a second-generation Miami-Dade County bus driver. Credit Angel Valentin for The New York TimesMIAMI — For the Ingram clan, working for the Miami-Dade County transit system has led to regular paychecks, a steady advance up the economic ladder and e
#BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context. | Fred Klonsky
#BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context. | Fred Klonsky: #BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context.Yesterday I posted on U.S. Judge Milton Shadur’s ruling that African American teachers who were laid off by the Chicago Public School constituted a class.In other words, Shadur ruled that there was a basis for the claim that African
CPS forgot 22 schools in estimate for Aramark at a cost of $7 million | Chicago
CPS forgot 22 schools in estimate for Aramark at a cost of $7 million | Chicago: CPS forgot 22 schools in estimate for Aramark at a cost of $7 million Chicago Public Schools somehow forgot about 22 schools, including a selective enrollment high school, in its estimate to hire Aramark to manage school janitors.That mistake — in all, the district underestimated by nearly 3.2 million square feet the
Check it out: Bill Gates has a reading list for you this summer - Firstpost
Check it out: Bill Gates has a reading list for you this summer - Firstpost: Check it out: Bill Gates has a reading list for you this summerMicrosoft CEO Bill Gates needs no introduction. Apart from being a billionaire, he's also a philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, a role model for thousands and as it turns out-an avid book reader, as well.This summer however, Gates has a special set
Revere school board requests changes in Ohio laws on charter schools - Local - Ohio
Revere school board requests changes in Ohio laws on charter schools - Local - Ohio: Revere school board requests changes in Ohio laws on charter schoolsBATH TWP.: For the five members of the Revere Board of Education, enough is enough when it comes to charter school regulations in the state of Ohio.The board last week unanimously passed a resolution asking Gov. John Kasich and the Ohio General As
Everything You Didn't Know About Common Core - NBC
Everything You Didn't Know About Common Core - NBC Everything You Didn't Know About Common CoreBY LEIGH ANN CALDWELLCommon Core has become a litmus test for Republicans in the presidential race. Republican presidential candidates have disavowed it, promised to repeal "every word" of it, and elevated it to the likes of Obamacare and the IRS. Only Jeb Bush has maintained his supp
Common Core Does Not Cure Student Mobility | gadflyonthewallblog
Common Core Does Not Cure Student Mobility | gadflyonthewallblog: Common Core Does Not Cure Student MobilityWe have real problems.We need real solutions.But we get deceptions instead. And if anyone tries to complain, they get blamed for trying to avoid solving the problem!Take Common Core.Badly designed, unproven, flying in the face of human psychology. It is all that and more.However, there’s a g
Memorial Day Tribute to Staff Sgt. Morgan Deshawn Kennon (1980-2003)
Memorial Day Tribute to Staff Sgt. Morgan Deshawn Kennon (1980-2003): Memorial Day Tribute to Staff Sgt. Morgan Deshawn Kennon (1980-2003)MAY 24, 2015 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTLike many, I hate war. I don’t understand why we haven’t evolved to a better civilization after all this time. As an educator, I am saddened especially by all the young lives that have been lost throughout the years.Wh
Who Does Gates Fund for “General Operating Support”? | deutsch29
Who Does Gates Fund for “General Operating Support”? | deutsch29: Who Does Gates Fund for “General Operating Support”?On its website, the Gates Foundation makes it clear that it often initiates contact with organizations to apply for specific grants and that it does not fund what it does not consider a Gates Foundation “priority.”The assertiveness of the Gates Foundation in funding its approved ve
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/24/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMSeattle Schools Community Forum: What Do You Think?Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do You Think?: Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do You Think? I saw this video from Creative Evolution; it's called The Truth About School (in a two-minute video). I think that it is simplistic and probably less-than-accurate about all public education because I don't