There is nothing more important I can imagine doing that challenging the students I have to think more deeply about what they do and say, and what they do not do and say.  Both our actions and our in-actions are important. I remember the words of Martin Luther King, Jr: "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I seek to challenge, but also to empower.
Then my students have choices.
If I have a legacy, it is that my students have the opportunity to be thoughtful citizens of the world we leave to their charge.
The Republican field for 2016 must be very weak
if former one-term governor of Maryland Robert Erlich, soundly defeated when he ran for reelection, is even exploring the possibility of entering the contest for the Republican nomination for President. And yet there is this story in today's Washington Post. I did have to laugh at the inaccuracy of this statement, made by the Republican businessman who organized the trip:   “No one heard about Bil