Why Liberals Cling To School Reform Despite It's Obvious Failures
At the turn of the 21st Century, Civil Rights leaders and their liberal suporters were desperate to find some point of access to addressing racial and economic equality Looking at a grim political landscape due to the Democratic Party's movement to the Right, they decided that education reform was the only strategy that had a chance of securing bi-partisan support because it required no sacrifice
Football, Violence and the Language of Male Domination
Some of the best times of my youth and well into my 20's took place on a football field. Like many young men who played the game, I needed an outlet for the violence inside me. An outlet that would bring me respect, camaraderie and the friendship of other men, a friendship that crossed racial and cultural barriers more than almost any other activity I was involved in. But though the game required
Are Public Schools Focal Points of Failure in A Successful Society?
Many critics of our public schools imply that public education is an ugly center of failure in a largely successful society, However, singling out public schools for failure relative to other spheres of America economic and social life, such as our banking system, housing market, and medical system does hold up on close scrutiny. Before Race to the Top and No Child Left Behind left teachers and st
9-13-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Love Letters to the BATS
With A Brooklyn Accent:Stop the Attack on the Nation's Veteran Teachers!The attack on the nation's veteran teachers- which has taken and continues to take an incredible toll on the mental and physical health of hundreds of thousands of people- is something which must be analyzed and exposed no matter whose "ox is gored" and that concludes leaders of the nation's teachers unions. All over