Time For a New Conversation Indeed: PUBLIC Education Nation is Here
By Anthony Cody. In 2014, most of the communications media is carrying messages sponsored or controlled by the wealthy. When speech is redefined by the Supreme Court to include the spending of money, then those with unlimited money have a nearly unlimited ability to speak via the airwaves. This week I described how that money, often funneled through “philanthropies,” has been used to create recent
Rebel Girl: Fighting for Student Rights
Rebel Girl from Schoolhouse Live on Vimeo. Newark Student Union leader Kristin Towkaniuk, injured last week by police during a student walkout, has long been a thorn in the side of Gov Christie. From leading walkouts to mixing it up at the state legislature, she is a force of nature for student rights. Here she speaks at the EmpowerEd conference at USC last March on student voice and political pow
Making the Grade: What is Our Goal?
By Larry Graykin. My son Alec, a junior at Concord (NH) High School, shared a fascinating tidbit with me recently. His school has shifted to a new way of grading. Homework’s value in this new system? 0%. That’s not to say that the school has abolished homework. On the contrary; he has as much or more assigned as ever…it just doesn’t count — at all. His teachers insist the homework is very importan
9-13-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue
Home | Living in Dialogue:Gates Money Attempts to Shift the Education Conversation to SuccessesIn 2010, a stark image was broadcast around the nation. It showed a child seated at a school desk surrounded by absolute devastation and ruin. That image was used promote the movie, “Waiting For Superman.” The movie was boosted with a $2 million advertising grant from the Gates Foundation, and was furthe