Meritocracy, Chinese and American Style
The biggest difference in Chinese and American education is that the Chinese only offer their best test scores in international comparisons. Otherwise, the systems operate on the same principles of corruption and inequality, and they produce similar results based on a caste system sustained by instituionalized racism and classism.China’s Education GapBy HELEN GAO SEPT. 4, 2014BEIJING — EVERY Sept
Duncan's Civil Rights in Black Face Tour
The major civil rights initiative of the Obama Administration has been to re-segregate poor black and brown children into corporate education reform schools where they can be culturally sterilized and behaviorally neutered by white middle class missionaries with no experience. Duncan's Civil Rights Minstrel Tour will continue this coming week:"The trip will include stops in Georgia, Alabama
Gates Civ 101: The Antiseptic History MOOC Comes to High School
Some reporters for the New York Times pretend to be stupid enough to believe Bill Gates is out to simply make his favorite history course available to every high school student in America. The bigger assumption by the New York Times is that the American people are as stupid as their "reporter" pretends to be.Actually, the Times didn't choose a real reporter but, rather, a CNBC Wall Stre
9-6-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Schools Matter All WeekKIPP: Waiting for the Marshmallow While Getting the FistEducators have jumped on the bandwagon, hoping to teach the skills of delaying gratification to inner-city kids. Dave Levin, co-founder of KIPP (a network of charter schools) employs teaching these cognitive tricks to all his students, who also each wear T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Don’t eat th