Common Core math homework ‘help’
WGRZ-TV, an NBC affiliate in Buffalo, N.Y., does a useful continuing series called Homework Helper that is designed to assist students and their parents to better understand schoolwork. The series includes a set of 10 videos aimed at helping decipher Common Core math, with this explanation: The Common Core aims to teach strategies beyond memorization, […]
Does holding kids back a year help them academically? No. But schools still do it.
It may seem to make sense to hold back for a year a student who can’t read well but a mountain of research shows that it doesn’t actually help. Unfortunately, school reformers don’t seem to care what the research says. Here to discuss this is Paul Thomas, an associate professor of education at Furman University […]
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 9-6-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetAmerica’s suburban schools facing new pressuresOne of the problems with many school reforms being implemented in schools today is that they are being done in isolation — from one another and from other policies that are necessary to actually allow the education changes to work. In the following post, two professors explain how housing policy affects Amer