Commentable Version: Chair’s Report on The Common Core Technology Project Ad Hoc Committee

Many have wondered what the Chair’s Report on the Common Core Technology Project Ad Hoc Committee actually says. This is the committee that has formally tracked progress and implementation of LAUSD’s ed tech program. We’ve obtained a publicly-released copy of the 118-page report, written under the leadership of LAUSD School Board Member Monica Ratliff (official LAUSD source here) and put it in a publicly annotatable form. (Material in the appendices can be found here.)
Public comments are sought until 8:00 pm, September 8, 2014.
From the cover letter accompanying the report signed by Monica Ratliff and directed to LAUSD School Board Chair Richard Vladovic:
From now through 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on September 8, 2014, I [Ratliff] will be collecting any comments on this Report, whether from Committee Members, External Representatives, LAUSD staff or the general public.Such comments may be delivered to me, via email at monica.ratliff@lausd.net, or to my office at 333 S. Beaudry Ave., 24th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90017.I will then annex any comments so received to this Report via a supplement, which I will present to you by September 10, 2014.
In order to annotate the document on K12NN, you must create an account at crocodoc.com. You will then be able to highlight portions Commentable Version: Chair’s Report on The Common Core Technology Project Ad Hoc Committee: