Teacher to Parent

Dear Parents:
As we begin another school year, we would like to set your minds at ease about a few things. First and foremost, please know that we are not upset about going back to work. We love teaching and consider it the most rewarding profession in the world.
We look forward to meeting your children. We know that everyone has quirks. Some people are cranky in the morning. Some people are nervous to speak in front of people. Some people need an extra smile of reassurance every now and again. We promise to do our best to understand your children and make our classrooms places where they feel comfortable, appreciated, and happy.
It is the needs of the students in our classes that dictate the pace and content of our lessons. “One-size-fits-all” is for ponchos, not education.
We see you as teammates, not adversaries, and we hope that you see us the same way. We know that you know your children best, and we appreciate when you share your observations about how your children are managing the demands of our classes. An open dialogue between us is necessary for success.
We take cues from the students about what works and what doesn’t work and adjust our methods accordingly. Our goal is not to simply get through a lesson. Our goal is to make sure your children are engaged every step of the way.
We are concerned about the future of public education and we are taking active roles in preserving what we believe to be the right of all children to have high quality, meaningful education that will prepare them for their own unique long-term goals.
Take a deep breath, parents. Have faith in our ability to maintain our focus on educating your children in the face of the many obstacles being thrown in our way. We have not given up. We will continue to support your children in the classroom and fight for them outside of the classroom. Most of all, we thank you for trusting us with your babies—whether they are in kindergarten or twelfth grade—and we promise to take good care of them.
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