Half a Million NYC Parents Support their Kid’s Teachers - Don't Tread on Educators
http://dtoe.org/2014/08/31/parents-support-teachers/ Half a Million NYC Parents Support their Kid's TeachersAccording to the NYC Department of Education' School Survey, that was just released, 485,696 parents took part. When asked about the quality of their teachers, 96% stated they were satisfied or very satisfied. http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/E9
The Soap Opera of Teacher “Tenure” in AMERICA and Beyond
deutsch29 posted: "I am a tenured, career public school teacher. As such, I realize I am Public Enemy Number One to the fiscally-well-backed, non-teaching finger-pointers who call themselves "education reformers." If only I could be fired without recourse, American ed" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on deutsch29
Fwd: SOLIDARITY? Call in or/and Listen !To Lois Wiener Scholar on What is Going Down in Education ! Radio show/ call in today -
Your participation is most welcome!Special Labor Day program on teachers unions on the War Report with Mary Compton and yours truly: Where we are, where we should be this Labor Day. 2pm PT, 5pm ET Listen (phone in too - 888.627.6008) http://bbsradio.com/thewarreport -- Lois Weiner, ProfessorElementary and Secondary EducationNew Jersey City University2039 Kennedy Blvd.Jersey City, NJ 07305ph
So apparently something is going down with Tenure Terrorists in NYC : here is a snippet of the crazy thread between Weingarten, Wiener, Portelos, Ravitch and other members of the Resistance.
Sounds like campbell brownt really put the squeeze on mona d and sam p..... All these folks volunteered to help them until the cases were on track to be consolidated, then they all withdrew.......its Mona's word against Campbell's-- but the withdrawals suggest Mona is right.Follow the money-leads to Eva M and the Success Charters. One wonders why they-who don't have to follow these due process
Do criticisms of U.S. schools rely on. False information, bad Data and distortions
http://www.ajc.com/weblogs/get-schooled/2014/aug/30/education-mythbusters/ LIKE......DUH! University of Georgia professor and frequent AJC Get Schooled contributor Peter Smagorinsky discusses an interesting new book exposing the misperceptions and distortions about America's schools. By Peter SmagorinskyA years back there was a public service ad on TV that featured a teenaged boy discussing a maj
SAY what, Mister Deasy? County education officials question LA schools' financial plans |
http://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2014/08/20/17182/county-education-officials-question-la-schools-fin/ County education officials question LA schools' financial plans Pete/ Flickr Creative Commons The Los Angeles County Office of Education is questioning the L.A. Unified school district's report on how it plans to spend new state funds targeted at disadvantaged youth - asking whether ad
Privatization Public Education Launches a Full Frontal Attack on Califormia
http://upwa.info/documents/Public%20Education.htm United Public Workers for Action Stop Privatization of Public Education & Union Busting! No More Public Money To Charters, End Teach For America TFA And Stop The "Common Core" Testing Scam Public education is under a frontal attack organized and supported by the Democratic president Obama, his Education Secretary Arnie Duncan with
Adapt or Die: The Political Evolution of Jerry Brown « Calbuzz
http://www.calbuzz.com/2010/03/adapt-or-die-how-jerry-sees-political-evolution/ Adapt or Die: The Political Evolution of Jerry Brown Jerry Brown roared back into California politics last week, putting on a clinic on how to win free media exposure, with a webcast announcement, CBS Evening News and Larry King Live appearances, sit-downs with more than three dozen newspaper, TV and radio outlets in
8-30-14 Hemlock on the Rocks (The Big Gulp)
Hemlock on the Rocks: Song For Gloria Astro Turf Queen“Gloria” With apologies to Laura Branigan Gloria, you’re always on the run now.Running after teachers, you gotta get them somehow.I think you’ve got to get a teaching job, but you’ll probably blow it.I think you’re headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it You really don’t know squat, you just follow what Gates and Broad say?All the