LA Daily News Editorial | http://bit.ly/1ufrfUM ●●: This slipped through the 4LAKids cracks two weeks ago. It is no less timely. 8/15/14, 2:44 PM PDT :: Of the many battlefields where the half-century-old War on Poverty has been fought, there may be none so important — or difficult to conquer — as our public classrooms. Here in Southern California, the connection between education and
EARLY CHILDHOOD ED GETS FUNDING BOOST: LAUSD will restore funding for thousands of early childhood education student slots that had been cut + smf’s 2¢
By Sara Hayden, LA Times | http://lat.ms/1rHnISg Aug 30, 2014 :: The Los Angeles Unified Board of Education passed a resolution Tuesday to increase funding by millions of dollars for the district's early education program. The resolution, which passed in a 6-1 vote, is intended to eventually restore funding over the next few years for thousands of slots for children in early childhood
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 8-30-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:4LAKIDS - SOME OF THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT iPadGate: OFFICIALS ON BID COMMITTEE GOT FREE TABLETS, RESORT TRIPS + smf’s 2¢Annie Gilbertson | 89.3 KPCC | http://bit.ly/1qcmZpz L.A. Unified has already purchased 75,000 iPads, half with Pearson software. Here, second graders at Baldwin Hills Elementary swipe through their iPads for the first time and call