
The real problems with the common core
The real problems with the common coreSent to the Christian Science MonitorArguments for opposing the common core presented by Gov. Jindal ("Common Core: Bobby Jindal says Obama forcing a national curriculum," August 27) do not include the reasons many professional educators and researchers oppose it. A central argument is that there is no need for a radical change in curriculum or testi
A more efficient, more pleasant way to teach English
Sent to the South Chine Morning Post, August 29, 2014Philip Yeung's observations about Hong Kong English instruction ("Teach English that's actually of use to struggling students," August 28) applies to language instruction in other countries. Yeung tells us that Sir Aker-Jones' daughter, after 12 years of English, could not "say or write a three word sentence." Survivors of f
AUG 21
Groundhog Day: Americans Again Rate Local Schools Higher than Schools of the Nation
Groundhog Day: Americans Again Rate Local Schools Higher than Schools of the NationStephen KrashenAs is the case every year, the PDK/Gallup poll (September 2014) found that people rate their local schools much more positively than they do schools in the US in general. The differences, as usual, were striking: Fifty percent of respondents said they would give the public schools in their neighbor
AUG 20
Opposition to the common core
Sent to the Washington Post, August 20, 2014The Post has reported that according to a recent PDK/Gallup poll, the "Common Core educational standards are losing support nationwide" (August 19). The poll asked those opposed to the Common Core why they were opposed, giving them several possible reasons. The options did not include the reasons many educators oppose the Common Core: There is