Ed Notes Online

Moaning Mona Moaning and Video: Mona Davids 2009 Racist Rant Against Julie Cavanagh and PS 15 Teachers
Moaning Mona is moaning again - this time about Campbell Brown not working with her and her law firm leaving Mona high and dry. Read the joyful news here:http://www.eclectablog.com/2014/08/law-firm-supporting-new-york-parents-union-quits-parents-blame-bullying-by-campbell-browns-education-reform-group.html#.VAH-iHu_RWY.facebook NYC Parents Union @NYCParentsUnionCampbell Brown does not speak for
Gabrielle Horowitz-Prisco - Loretta and Gene Would Be So Proud
A part of the impetus for the change is due to the behind-the-scenes work of people like Gabrielle Horowitz-Prisco, a small woman with fuchsia glasses.... Epoch TimesAt last night's ICE meeting we talked over old times about Loretta and Gene, two education fighters for social justice for their entire lives. They had been founders of ICE and were sorely missed. (Oh what would they be doing over in
AUG 28
MORE Moves Towards the Center
"MORE is a communist organization," someone said to me yesterday. And this not a from red-baiting Unity slug, but from someone who has run on the ICE and the MORE slates. I was even shocked to see a reader of this blog tweet the same thoughts. Shame on her.Would I and James Eterno and Mike Schirtzer and Julie Cavanagh, independent thinkers, be in a group think organization?I have fought
ICE Meeting Friday - ICE and MORE - A Lesson for New Action
At the MORE meeting with New Action last October, we offered the ICE model to New Action as a way for their people to work within MORE for our common aims while keeping their caucus alive. They rejected that offer. ICE will be holding a rare meeting tomorrow. These meetings take place when people feel a need to talk to each other in a relaxed atmosphere where few decisions have to take place.ICE (
AUG 27
Charter Angst: Democracy Prep Parent Ready to Pull Child After 5 Days
All I see every morning and evening is this tall man dressed in bright clothing yelling at the parents every single day since school started... parent at Democracy PrepDP founder Seth Andrews - or Eva Moskowitz in dragOh the joy in this comment on another beloved crooked charter, especially with today's news (see Perdido) about Eva Moskowitz and her move to the financial district - call it "W
AUG 26
Mainstream Media Picks up NYSUT Officer Pension Story--
-- which we broke on Ed Notes - Sellout Fever: Newly Elected Revile - er - Revise .... Thanks for not crediting, CapitalLaw lets NYSUT officers accrue 2 pensions simultaneously Tweet Share on Facebook Share on Tumblr Print By Jessica Bakeman 6:40 p.m. | Aug. 26, 2014 follow this reporter ALBANY—Under a law approved in the final days of this year's legislative session, New York State United
AUG 25
Black and Latino plaintiffs win back pay in Gulino v BOE
Before ed deform - or maybe an early stage of it - one of the first shots at teachers of color was the lifting of licenses from experienced teachers over a test - even if those teachers had excellent ratings.One of them was in my school, an impeccable pre-k special ed teacher who had worked her way up from a para. My principal loved her. But she kept freezing every time she took the test. Sometime
The Left and Right Attacks MORE on Garner March Position: I'm Shocked, There Are Social Democrats in MORE
This is -- or should be -- absolutely the end for MORE and its sponsors in the ISO and other opportunist organizations. This is what social democracy looks like... Comment on MORE position (The March for Justice and Unity) on Garner march.SHAME ON MORE!!! SHAME ON THE ISO AND SOLIDARITY WHICH ARE INVOLVED IN MORE AND SHAME ON TEACHERS WHO DARE NOT STAND FOR PROSECUTION OF COPS WHEN THEY CARRY OUT
AUG 24
Laurel Sturt's "Davonte's Inferno" Blows the Lid on Ed Deform
We are awash in a sea of books on education produced mostly by non-teachers, pseudo-journalists, often with more than a tinge of bias. It seems that everyone covering the education wars spurred by ed deform must write a book. We hear about building better teachers, teacher wars, and how we learn, just to name a few. But books by real teachers who might actually know something always seem to take s
UFT History in a Graphic: Caucuses from 1960-2014
I just finished reading Barbara Tuchman's "Guns of August" about the first month of WWI. Almost every issue we face today can be related back to decisions and outcomes a hundred years ago and beyond that.We need to know some history of the UFT in order to fully understand things in context. I created this flow chart in attempt to get some history on record.I created this for the first MO