Duncan Threatened NY Over Test-Based Teacher Evals, Now Says "Fine For Another Year"
Back in June:New York might lose out on $300 million if last-minute negotiations on teacher and principal evaluations untie Common Core test scores from final ratings, federal education officials warned Tuesday.That’s how much New York is due to receive to implement a new evaluation system as part of its participation in Race to the Top, a competitive grant program launched by the U.S. Department
Andrew Cuomo: "I am the government, but I'm not my own campaign."
You can't make this stuff up: Gov. Cuomo passed Thursday morning on saying whether he'll debate Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout before the Sept. 9 Democratic primary. The hands-on Cuomo said he's leaving the decision to the campaign. "I'd leave that to the campaigns to work out, whatever they decide," said Cuomo during a soggy appearance at the state Fair opening in Syracuse. When
New NYSUT Leaders Revive Their Own Pensions
Norm Scott at Ed Notes Online reported this story last night:NYSUT officers got their pals, Klein and Skelos, to pass this law giving them leaves of absences at full pay, all of it pensionable, and get Cuomo to sign it at the speed of light - for the NY State legislature.AN ACT to amend chapter 675 of the laws of 1984 relating to providing fringe benefits for certain employees of school districts
Campaign To Drive Down Confidence In Public Schools A Success
The headline in the PDK/Gallup poll released yesterday was how much support Common Core has lost with both the general public and parents of children of school age.But we shouldn't lose sight of these poll findings either:The wide-ranging survey also showed that trust in the nation’s public school system has evaporated, as a consistent majority of Americans approve of charter schools that operate
8-20-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Remains Hidden In The ShadowsA few of us on Twitter were wondering if anybody has seen Andrew Cuomo since he returned from his Israel trip.It seems like every morning, this is schedule (as it is for today):Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in New York City with no public schedule.And why not stay hidden and work things from the shadows?It certainly isn't hurting his poll numbers, a