Starve the Testing Beast: Chicago Teachers Show Us How to Organize a Test Boycott
By Michelle Gunderson. We have a saying in the testing resistance movement – don’t feed the beast, starve the data monster. When parents opt their children out of testing they are taking a strong stance against having their children’s data used as a mechanism to sort students, punish teachers, and privatize our schools. When teachers decide to boycott testing – completely refusing to administer te
Administrator’s Pledge on Ethical Treatment of Students Who Opt Out
by Michelle Gunderson. Imagine you are 8 years old. Your parents respectfully requested that you not participate in standardized testing. Yet, your school system insists on putting the test in front of you, reading the directions, and making you sit quietly for the duration of the test. Now that over a thousand students have opted out of testing in Chicago this is the scenario facing many children
Part Three: The Attack on Teacher Tenure is an Attack on the Black Middle Class
By Paul Horton. Part three of three. Perhaps even more alarming than the Obama administration is the recent campaign headed up by former CNN and CNBC talk show host Campbell Brown and former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs against teacher tenure. Energized by the apparent success of the Vergara decision, the Partnership for Education Justice was recently launched to disparage teachers, teacher
Part Two: Why is the Obama Administration Waging War on Teachers? | Living in Dialogue
Part Two: Why is the Obama Administration Waging War on Teachers? | Living in Dialogue: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:43 pm Civil Rights, Electoral Politics, Politics, Teachers Unions, Uncategorized Anthony Cody 0 2 By Paul Horton. Part two of three.In the twenty-five years after the Civil Rights Act of 1868, most whites abandoned the Democrats in the South as white flight and the Southern
8-17-14 Living in Dialogue - Part One: Past as Prelude in the Still Troubled South
Home | Living in Dialogue: Part One: Past as Prelude in the Still Troubled Southby Paul Horton. Part one of three. My son and I took our annual road trip last week. We listen to books on tape and blues as we travel. He is learning to drive so, for the first time, he was able to take the wheel for hours at a time while I bit my fingernails and chewed my gum. On the morning of our arrival to the De