This Year’s Phi Delta Kappa and Gallup Education Poll Just Released – Not Good News For President Obama
Every year for the past 45 years, Phi Delta Kappa and Gallup have done a Poll On Education issues. This year’s poll results were just released. You can read a summary and the entire poll results here. I’m going to just reprint parts of their press release because it gives a good overview of the results.First, though, here are links to my posts about the poll in previous years: This Year’s Phi Del
Tuesday’s Tweets About #Ferguson #MichaelBrown
[View the story "Tuesday's Tweets About #Ferguson #MichaelBrown" on Storify]
LA Unified computer problems hampering special ed teachers
LA Unified computer problems hampering special ed teachers Two weeks into the new school year, LA Unified administrators are still working out bugs in a new computer system, a disruption that has made instruction particularly difficult for special education teachers, who need specific information for each of their students.. The new MiSiS — My Integrated Student Information System — is designed to
One Of Best Quick Twitter Exchanges On Ed You’ll Ever See
[View the story "One Of Best Quick Twitter Exchanges On Ed You'll Ever See" on Storify]
New TED-Ed Video & Lesson: “How Do Tornadoes Form?”
Here’s a good new video and lesson from TED-ED. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Tornadoes:
This Is Sure Interesting: “Google May Start Handing Out Gmail Accounts to Kids”
© 2010 Robert Scoble, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio Google May Start Handing Out Gmail Accounts to Kids just appeared in the Atlantic. Here’s how it begins: Google may be going kid-friendly. The tech giant is allegedly planning to offer accounts to children under the age of 13 for services like Gmail and YouTube, according to reports. The unprecedented move would allow children to navigate fully onli
The Best Resources For World Humanitarian Day
The United Nations has declared today to be World Humanitarian Day: World Humanitarian Day is a time to recognize those who face danger and adversity in order to help others. The day was designated by the General Assembly to coincide with the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. World Humanitarian Day is also an opportunity to celebrate the spirit t
How NOT To Make Public Policy Change Happen
© 2010 Sean MacEntee, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio I’ve written a lot about my perspective around making social change — much of which is informed by my nineteen year former career as a community organizer. You can see a collection of these posts at The Best Posts & Articles On Building Influence & Creating Change. Two recent articles bring me to this topic again today. The first one appeare
Easily Create Your Own Fake Newspaper Front Page
One my most popular posts is about a tool called News Jack (see Easily Make Your Own Unique (& Fake) CNN, NY Times, Etc. Website With “News Jack”). Reader Uday Ogra tells me about a new similar site called Create News. Sites like these are engaging tools for students to write about historical and literary events, though I still wonder how they fit in with copyright laws….
Reminder: All Student Hand-Outs From My Student Motivation Book Available Free To Download
My two books on student motivation were published by Eye On Education, and older copies have a code you need to type on the Eye on Education website in order to access the many student figures in the book so they could be downloaded. Eye on Education was bought by Routledge, and I was pleased to see that they made all the all those figure freely available to everybody — whether you bought the bo
[View the story "Monday's Tweets About #Ferguson #MichaelBrown" on Storify]
8-18-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: “Thinking Like A Scientist Can Help Overcome Allure Of Appearances”© 2012 Bart Everson, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio As regular readers of this blog and my books know, I’m a big believer in inductive learning (see More Info On Why Inductive Learning Is So Effective and Is This The Most Important Research Study Of The Year? Ma