While vacationing on Block Island I discover a story of a teacher and Mississippi Freedom Summer fifty years ago.
Monroe Engel, who had a summer home on Block Island, went to Mississippi in the summer of 1964. We have joined our Brooklyn family for the last few weeks of summer on Block Island, Rhode Island. This week’s Block Island News features a story of Harvard professor Monroe Engel and his experiences as an older participant in the historic 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer. * * * * * * * * Monroe and Bre
Karen Lewis. Rahm’s CPS hiring stunt.
- Karen Lewis is President of the Chicago Teachers Union. (Sun-Times) The City of Chicago is gearing up to enforce its Chicago Public Schools preference policy, which would give CPS graduates preferential standing among other firefighter applicants, providing an unfair advantage above students enrolled in private or religious schools. While Mayor Rahm Emanuel apparently seeks to encourage more op
8-18-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: The Missouri compromise.I never promised I wouldn’t check my email while on this late August hiatus with my family. I doubt it would surprise you that I received tons of hate mail of late. Hatred not so much directed at me, but at what I have had to say about the death of Michael Brown and the people’