Weingarten Riding High on Teacher Union Dues
Mercedes Schneider has another solid piece on the secret society memberships and sordid political machinations of Rhonda (aka Randi) Weingarten, the corporate manufactured president of the AFT. Seems that Randi recently plunked down 30K to join and another 100K promised every year to wine and dine with ostensibly liberal billionaires. Your union dues at work!Not that Rhonda couldn't afford to pa
7-9-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: A Teacher's Take on Common CoreFrom Labor Notes:. . . .There’s debate among teachers about the idea of replacing the status quo, state standards, with national ones. But the implementation has been roundly unpopular.Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have adopted the national standards, which cover English and math. Students will be tested on them every year, kindergart