Civics Matters - Tell Seattle Public Schools
Pass it on. This is a great initiative and great effort on the part of civics teacher, Web Hutchins.On March 17, 2014 the Seattle City Council and King County Council passed tandem “Resolutions of Support for the Civics for All Initiative.” As the embodiment of local, direct democracy and the representative voices for millions of voters, the 9-0, 9-0 unanimous votes of these Councils signifies a
Seattle Schools and the Search for a Superintendent
A week from today, the Sacramento School Board (they call their members "trustees") will vote on Jose Banda as their new superintendent. (I am waiting to hear back from their Communications person on details.)I suspect they will vote to offer Banda the contract and that he will accept. I'm also fairly certain he would start almost immediately.That then opens the door for two things to
7-9-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Awkward and Odd; Green Dot Comes to TownAs I previously reported, Green Dot has submitted a letter of intent to the Charter Commission to open their second Puget Sound region charter school this time in "south Seattle." A couple of readers alerted me that Green Dot had two open houses this week, one in the SW and one in the SE, to meet parents. I attend