The State Board of Ed, the Uneducated Educated, and the Unelected
By Doug Martin Despite letter after letter and a strong physical presence in support of our democratically elected supt. of public instruction, the Pence/state board/CECI trio today set the ball in motion to steal more power from Glenda Ritz to carry on the billionaires' corporate-theocratic agenda I detail in my book Hoosier School Heist. The whole attack against Glenda Ritz is, in essence, an a
Teachers' Rights Smashed at Another Charter Chain Gang
A Teacher's Take on Common Core
From Labor Notes:. . . .There’s debate among teachers about the idea of replacing the status quo, state standards, with national ones. But the implementation has been roundly unpopular.Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have adopted the national standards, which cover English and math. Students will be tested on them every year, kindergarten through 12th grade.Lessons at all grade leve
The input that matters most
Sent to the Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2014Joshua Lipshutz ("The legal road map to better schools," July 8) points out that "...the easiest inputs to measure are not necessarily those that matter most to student learning." Vergara judge used one that doesn't matter: Teacher quality as measured by gains on standardized tests. A number of studies have shown that rating teacher
7-8-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Duncan's Latest Party Balloon Just Got Popped in TennesseeWhen NAEP reported in May that Tennessee high school seniors finish next to last in NAEP proficieny in the latest testing derby (just behind West Virginia), it took some of the glory from the earlier report on NAEP scores for grades 4 & 8 that Kevin Huffman and his band of TFA lawyers plastered on every available wall sp