TEACHING THHOUGH TRAUMA: LAUSD says budget’s to tight to treat stressed out kids
Annie Gilbertson | KPCC 89.3 FM | Pass/Fail | http://bit.ly/1kKPymI Benjamin Brayfield/KPCC Like many students at Highland Park's Franklin High, ninth-grader Noemi Potenciano lost a brother to a drive by. Across L.A. Unified services for students affected by trauma are extremely limited. Teaching Through Trauma: the second in a series of stories on poverty in Los Angeles schools. Read Part
ELECTORATE SEES ITS SHADOW: LAUSD Board dysfunction to continue until August
McKenna & Johnson to faceoff in runoff on Aug 12, meanwhile 3-to-3 tie on Bd of Ed will decide Budget, LCFF …or more likely: Not! Neither McKenna nor Johnson – nor the children, parents, educators or taxpayers won. Maybe Dr. Deasy won? And my evil twin feels deprived of hearing Omarosa telling Dr. D: “You’re fired!” George McKenna and Alex Johnson Lead in LAUSD Special Election By
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 6-2-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Report: Ppic Surveys School Policies On English Learners’ Classificationfrom California Institute for Federal Policy Research/California Capitol Hill Bulletin Volume 21, Bulletin 15 - http://www.calinst.org/bul2/b2115.shtml May 29, 2014 :: In a recent report entitled “Pathways to Fluency: Examining the Link Between Language Reclassification Policies a