My Personal Journey into Eduction Activism
My journey into education activism began in the Spring of 2003 when I was asked to start an oral history project documenting the African American presence in Bronx Neighborhoods, which had been neglected by scholars of Bronx History as well as African American History in New York City. The project was embraced by scores of community residents, who wanted to tell stories that defied common ster
6-3-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: With A Brooklyn Accent: New York BATS Press Release Endorsing Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones
With A Brooklyn Accent: New York BATS Press Release Endorsing Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones: New York BATS Press Release Endorsing Howie Hawkins and Brian JonesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 2, 2014More Information Contact:Dr. Mark Naison, Co-Founder of BATsMarla Kilfoyle, General Manager, BATscontact.batmanager@gmail.comBadass Teachers Association - http://www.badassteacher.org/After a vote of its