4-15-13 Curmudgucation Week
CURMUDGUCATION: Insulating the NEAHow is it that NEA becomes so insulated from its members? After all, we are the union, right?My first big lesson in representative democracy came courtesy of the United Methodist Church. In the church structure, local churches are grouped into districts, and districts are grouped into larger regions, and on and on to the national level. Theoretically all these lev
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 4-15-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Jack Schneider: Teachers Are Not the ProblemJack Schneider, a historian of education at Holy Cross University, deconstructs the claim that the biggest problem in education today is the quality of teachers. The clarion s of the Status Quo never tire of telling us that “great” teachers can turn every student into college-bound schola
4-15-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: How Bloomberg/Klein Undermined a Voluntary Integration Program on the Lower East SideLisa Donlan has been telling the story for many years. Now this recent report condemning the NYC school system as one of the most segregated in the nation validates what Lisa has been reporting. This is from Community Education Council 1 on the LES.Below are captions from NYS segregation report ta
The Choice for Munoz Marin -What Parents and the Community Need to Know | WeArePCAPS
The Choice for Munoz Marin -What Parents and the Community Need to Know | WeArePCAPS: The Choice for Munoz Marin -What Parents and the Community Need to KnowPosted on April 15, 2014by wearepcapsThe Choice for Munoz Marin -What Parents and the Community Need to Know Why does the District want to turn over Munoz-Marin to the charter school operator ASPIRA? Until this year, Renaissance schools, sch
4-15-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Foul shots in the classroom: A Fable (By Ann Policelli Cronin)As we celebrate UCONN’S [Remember it is not UConn] double national championships, it seems particularly appropriate to look back on a great commentary piece written by fellow columnist and pro-education advocate, Ann Policelli Cronin. Here piece entitle, “Foul shots in the Classroom: A Fable” first appeared in the CT Mirro
The Answer Sheet 4-15-14
The Answer Sheet: Testing resistance movement exploding around countryThe testing resistance movement is growing rapidly around the country and parents are opting out their children from high-stakes standardized tests in most states. What do test reformers want to accomplish? Monty Neill, executive director of FairTest, explains in this post. FairTest, or the National Center for Fair and Open Tes
4-15-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Union Democracy. Part II.The microphone is missing. A symbol of democracy in the IEA. Photo: Jerry Mulvihill. Jerry Mulvihill, a fifth grade teacher and IEA RA delegate tried to bring up the issue of the NEA and IEA’s support for the Common Core. But IEA President Cinda Klickna shut off the debate. Th
4-15-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “More than 20% of [British] parents say they have been fined for unauthorised holidays”More than 20% of parents say they have been fined for unauthorised holidays is the headline of an article in the British newspaper The Guardian. Here’s how it starts: More than 20% of parents say they have been fined for taking their chil
4-15-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Pat Tillman (11/6/76 – 4/22/04): A Decade of ForgettingPat Tillman (11/6/76 – 4/22/04): A Decade of Forgetting. via Pat Tillman (11/6/76 – 4/22/04): A Decade of Forgetting.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical1 by plthomasedd / 1h 4-14-14 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: The Paradox of Race in the U.S.The Paradox of Race in the U.S.. via The Paradox of Race in the U.S..1 by
4-15-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): AlterNet: What We Lose When We Rip the Heart Out of Arts EducationWhat We Lose When We Rip the Heart Out of Arts Education1 by plthomasedd / 3min hide // savePat Tillman (11/6/76 – 4/22/04): A Decade of ForgettingOn the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing,
4-15-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: How Cuomo Meddled Into The Moreland Commission ReportAnother story about just how much meddling the governor's office did into the Moreland Commission work:An assistant counsel to Governor Andrew Cuomo, who professed himself to be the author of the NY SAFE Act, was ultimately selected as the lead writer of the Moreland Commission on Public Corruption’s December 2013 report a
Public Schools Enrich Communities by Helping to Save Indigenous Language and Culture | janresseger
Public Schools Enrich Communities by Helping to Save Indigenous Language and Culture | janresseger: Public Schools Enrich Communities by Helping to Save Indigenous Language and CultureIn graduate school over forty years ago I was fascinated when a Ph.D. candidate described his dissertation in the field of anthropological linguistics. His project was to live at the Northern Paiute Indian Reservatio
Calculator Directive for 8th-Graders Draws Concerns | The Texas Tribune
Calculator Directive for 8th-Graders Draws Concerns | The Texas Tribune: Calculator Directive for 8th-Graders Draws Concernsby Aamena AhmedApril 15, 2014 Comment Republish Email Tweet RecommendEnlargegraphic by: Todd WisemanAs the state integrates a directive that requires eighth-graders in Texas public schools to have graphing calculators forSTAAR testing, some poorer Texas school districts say t
Seattle Education | For the news and views you might have missed
Seattle Education | For the news and views you might have missed: Parents OPPOSE HR 10, the “Success and Opportunity Through Charter Schools” bill There is a bill titled “Success and Opportunity Through Charter Schools”, referred to as HR 10, to rewrite federal charter law that has strong backing by the House Education … Continue reading →by seattleducation20... / 6h The Opt-Out UpdateThe opt o
"It’s all over but the shouting: Obamacare is working."
"It’s all over but the shouting: Obamacare is working.": "It’s all over but the shouting: Obamacare is working."byteacherkenFollow Email 16 Comments / 16 NewGOPSo say Eugene Robinson.That's the first line of Obamacare’s victory lap, his column for Tuesday's Washington Post.As he says in the paragraph that immediately follows,All the naysaying in the world can’t drown out mo
The Wallstreet Journal also Captures the ASA’s Recent Position Statement on VAMs |
The Wallstreet Journal also Captures the ASA’s Recent Position Statement on VAMs |: The Wallstreet Journal also Captures the ASA’s Recent Position Statement on VAMs Yesterday I released the second of two posts about the recent release of the American Statistical Association’s Position Statement about using VAMs for educational assessment and accountability. Below is a third post, as again warrante
At an East San Jose high school, students react to new Common Core test | EdSource Today
At an East San Jose high school, students react to new Common Core test | EdSource Today: At an East San Jose high school, students react to new Common Core testApril 14th, 2014 | 1 Comment | By John FensterwaldThe students in John Daniels’ U.S. history class at James Lick High School in East San Jose are a smidgen of the tens of thousands of juniors who are taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Jindal to Dump PARCC? | deutsch29
Jindal to Dump PARCC? | deutsch29: Jindal to Dump PARCC?April 14, 2014An April 14, 2014, article has Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal publicly saying he is “willing” to leave the Partnership for Assessment of College and Careers (PARCC)– and even the Common Core State Standards (CCSS):Gov. Bobby Jindal has said he is willing to withdraw Louisiana from a consortium of states developing the
4-14-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Why the Growing Opt Out Movement Puts Fear into the Antiquated Losers of Corporate Education Reform: Why the Growing Opt Out Movement Puts Fear into the Antiquated Losers of Corporate Education ReformI was chatting today with someone I had not seen in a while, and told them about my work in support of United Opt Out and how it could 6 percent of parents keeping their children home
Geaux Teacher!: Over schooled but Undereducated
Geaux Teacher!: Over schooled but Undereducated: Over schooled but UndereducatedA very good article by Luba Vangelova. Children have a greater capacity for imagination than adults because their minds haven't been dulled by rote "education." What if we capitalized on those imaginations? Anima
Nite Cap 4-14-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP4-14-14 The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child EducationRethinking Classroom Pedagogy in the Standards-Driven Classroom — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGRethinking Classroom Pedagogy in the Standards-Driven ClassroomApril 14, 2014 by ASCD
4-14-14 The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education
Rethinking Classroom Pedagogy in the Standards-Driven Classroom — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGRethinking Classroom Pedagogy in the Standards-Driven ClassroomApril 14, 2014 by ASCD Whole Child BloggersPost written by Amber MedinThe long-term benefits of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have been touted by the academic community at la
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Are you ready to rumble? Looks like we have a candidate.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Are you ready to rumble? Looks like we have a candidate.: Are you ready to rumble? Looks like we have a candidate.“What happened to the hundreds of children from closed schools who never made it the welcoming schools on the West and South Sides?” Fioretti said.It's cold and gloomy outside. But I'm smiling ear to ear. Here's why.Ald. Bob Fioretti just gave a powerful
4-14-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Common Core Roundup (with trends and memes)I'd been meaning to do this for awhile but every single day - in multiple news outlets - there are stories about Common Core. I occasionally see some "good news" ones but frankly, those mostly come from Gates Foundation funded groups (or more often than not, seriously, in Forbes magazine).Let's be clear - this i
Russ on Reading: Who Gets Recess? Congress But Not Elementary School Children
Russ on Reading: Who Gets Recess? Congress But Not Elementary School Children: Who Gets Recess? Congress But Not Elementary School ChildrenCongress is on recess and House Majority Whip, Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has some homework for his Republican colleagues. Politico reports that McCarthy wants his fellow members to visit charter schools in their districts to highlight the Republican position on
Meal Site Lists Updated - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education)
Meal Site Lists Updated - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Updates List of Programs Serving Nutritious Meals to Low-Income FamiliesSACRAMENTO—Disadvantaged families in California can now access interactive Web pages with up-to-date lists of child and adult care centers offering nutritious meals at low or no cost, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Tor
D.C. are you listening?: A New Local, Community-Based Approach for Accountability | Cloaking Inequity
D.C. are you listening?: A New Local, Community-Based Approach for Accountability | Cloaking Inequity: D.C. are you listening?: A New Local, Community-Based Approach for AccountabilityIt turns out that a new local, community-based approach to accountability is happening… I first introduced the idea of Community-Based Accountability on October 12, 2012 in the post Accountability: Are you ready for
California Student Union Newsletter
CASU Spring 2014 Newsletter |: CASU Spring 2014 NewsletterPosted on April 14, 2014 by CASTUDENTUNIONLeave a commentCALIFORNIA STUDENT UNION NEWSLETTERIssue #2, 5th of April 2014Fight for CCSFThe fight back around the threatened closure of San Francisco City College has reached a fever pitch. The unjust and illegal ACCJC, an accreditation body which covers California community colleges, has threate
4-14-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: The Paradox of Race in the U.S.The Paradox of Race in the U.S.. via The Paradox of Race in the U.S..1 by plthomasedd / 5min 4-13-14 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: Devaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-AddedDevaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-Added. via Devaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-Added.1 by plthomasedd / 57min All Week 4-12-14 @ THE CHALK FACE@ THE CHALK FACE
Paul Horton: The War on Books II: Certified School Librarians Are the New Disappeared - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Paul Horton: The War on Books II: Certified School Librarians Are the New Disappeared - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Paul Horton: The War on Books II: Certified School Librarians Are the New DisappearedBy Anthony Cody on April 14, 2014 11:39 AMGuest post by Paul Horton.See Part 1: In Defense of Books, here. I was raised to believe that librarians were my friends and I have never me
4-14-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): The Paradox of Race in the U.S.The paradox of race in the U.S.: In order to become a culture in which race does not matter, race must always matter. Due this coming June, my first granddaughter will be born into this world a bi-racial child during the second term of the
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Monday, April 14, 2014
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: How Common Core education standards are changing the way LAUSD schools test childrenEducation HeadlinesMonday, April 14, 2014FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.McKinleyville district, teachers each turn in '
When Ed Reformers speak: “Schools shouldn’t have a right to exist” | Parents United for Public Education
When Ed Reformers speak: “Schools shouldn’t have a right to exist” | Parents United for Public Education: When Ed Reformers speak: “Schools shouldn’t have a right to exist”Posted on April 14, 2014 by PARENTSUNITEDPHILALeave a commentThe Philadelphia School Partnership was founded with a mission “to accelerate” the pace of education reform in Philadelphia and to raise $100 million to wield its agen
Listening and Learning at the International Summit on the Teaching Profession | Blog
Listening and Learning at the International Summit on the Teaching Profession | Blog: Listening and Learning at the International Summit on the Teaching ProfessionDelegations from high-performing education systems across the globe gathered for the 4th International Summit on the Teaching Profession in New Zealand.At the end of March, National Education Association President Dennis Van Roeke
NYC Educator: On Sleeping Children
NYC Educator: On Sleeping Children: On Sleeping ChildrenKids get sleepy in class. It's a fact of life. Sometimes they just say the hell with it and put their heads down. Personally I don't much care for that. First of all, it's kind of rude. Second, it's not particularly conducive to learning. Finally, I'm abundantly aware that when the principal walks in and said kid appears to be sleeping, it wi
Colorado English Teacher Resigns In Part Over Common Core | Truth in American Education
Colorado English Teacher Resigns In Part Over Common Core | Truth in American Education: Colorado English Teacher Resigns In Part Over Common CoreFiled in Common Core State Standards by Shane Vander Hart on April 14, 2014 • 0 Comments2111Pauline Hawkins and her 9-year-old son.All teachers just love Common Core right? No, further evidence that there is not 100% consensus on the part of classroom t
American Library Association releases list of 'Most Complained Books' | St. Louis
American Library Association releases list of 'Most Complained Books' | St. Louis: American Library Association releases list of 'Most Complained Books'by Associated PressKMOV.comPosted on April 14, 2014 at 8:49 AMThe potty humor of "Captain Underpants" children's books and the mature exploration of race and family violence by Nobel laureate Toni Morrison in "The Bluest Eye
Students weigh in on Common Core | Get Schooled |
Students weigh in on Common Core | Get Schooled | Students weigh in on Common Core COMMENT(1) 0 12 3 15View Larger Brant SanderlinMarch 12, 2014 Atlanta: Sen. William Ligon and supporters watch as his bill to end Common Core in Georgia fails to receive enough votes to pass committee Wednesday March 12, 2014. BRANT SANDERLIN /BSANDERLIN@AJC.COMPrevious PostsTracking: Should we get all
How Incompetent Tests Are Terrifying 3rd Graders | John Thompson
How Incompetent Tests Are Terrifying 3rd Graders | John Thompson: How Incompetent Tests Are Terrifying 3rd GradersPosted: 04/13/2014 2:57 pm EDT Updated: 04/14/2014 9:59 am EDT The "embarrassing truth" for Tulsa World editor Mike Strain is that he missed two of the six sample questions on the test that Oklahoma 3rd graders must pass to be promoted. The embarrassing truth for society is t
Morning Wink 4-14-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSDiscovering Hidden Allies | Missouri Education WatchdogDiscovering Hidden Allies | Missouri Education Watchdog: Discovering Hidden AlliesinShareA New York mother of a third grader shared this story on Facebook. The lesson of the story is; you never know what you will get when you speak up.This mother had opted her son out of standardized testing in Januar