Governor Cuomo Puts The Needs of Eva Moskowitz First and Foremost

"A proposal to allow charter schools to receive state funds for building has been dropped."
The above was what I was in the process of writing until I saw what Reality-Based Educator wrote and what I read in the New York Rag, er, Post.
I have had many a thought on all this shrillness brought on by Eva and her minions of the last few weeks. I just never could find the right words or right structure to share here on the blog. Still just can't, but will try using an old writer's trick. I'm just going to write whatever pops into my mind. Kind of like a stream of consciousness.
First, charters are not public schools. I don't care how you slice it, and you dice it, and what spin one puts on it, but charters in no way are public schools. A public school is accountable to the public. Charters are accountable only to their boards and their moneyed sugar daddy's.
Let's see a public school pull what Eva pulls. Let's see any public school in NYC ask parents to pull