De Blasio Rolled - Say no to this budget deal; call the Speaker & your Assemblymember NOW!
I hate to tell you I told you so, but I told you so. That Eva would never pay a dime in rent.Not only that but now de Blasio will have to pay her rent. Here's the lesson boys and girls. We can't beat the 1% in the political arena. Massive grassroots organizing is what it would take. And having a tepid UFT not being able to lift a finger in opposition leaves us defenseless.Even though I voted for d
3-27-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: The End of My Brief Acting Career: How to Succeed... Heads for Final WeekendSo I am a few days away from ending my preoccupation with this once in a lifetime theater experience, so bear with me. Even though in the play, I've managed to do a bunch of video. Here is one I shot Sunday when I had to miss the performance due to a party but got there in time to shoot part of Act II. Her