Chicago Tribune endorses Guzzardi, “though we disagree with his position on pension reform.”
Challenger Will Guzzardi gets an endorsement from the Chicago Trib in spite of his opposition to pension theft. “Proud to disagree with the Trib on pensions, and proud to be endorsed anyway,” responded Guzzardi. 39th District: Will Guzzardi lost the Democratic primary in 2012 to state Rep. Toni Berrios by just 125 votes. Guzzardi is trying again to defeat the daughter of Joe Berrios, the Cook Cou
Fear and loathing in Chicago.
- Chicago Teachers Union CHICAGO—The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) this week continues its steadfast support of the teachers at Saucedo Scholastic Academy and Thomas Drummond Montessori School who are boycotting the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT), but is extremely concerned about the ever-growing confusion generated by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) in its communication to parents regard
The shameless Civic Federation isn’t done with seniors yet. Why not just take it all?
Soup kitchen at Representative Robin Gabel’s office protesting pension cuts Not satisfied with Senate Bill 1 which cut public employee pension benefits, the Civic Federation of Chicago wants pension and Social Security benefits taxes, while reducing personal income taxes on the wealthy and Illinois corporations. Don’t write to me that you’re not surprised. I’m not surprised. It doesn’t mean I’m
Breaking: Pensions suits consolidated by order of Illinois Supreme Court.
Associated Press: SPRINGFIELD, Illinois — The Illinois Supreme Court has ordered that four lawsuits challenging Illinois’ new pension reform law be consolidated. The March 3 order transfers the case filed by a group of retired teachers in Cook County Circuit Court to Sangamon County Circuit Court, where the three other cases were filed. The court says all of the cases will be heard together in Spr
Today is the first day of early voting. I won’t be voting for Kirk Dillard.
Today is the first day of early voting in Illinois. After some coffee and breakfast I will head over to the library on Milwaukee Avenue and vote for Will Guzzardi in the 39th State Representative District. I promised to do that when Toni Berrios voted against our constitutionally protected pensions back in May. If I voted in the 26th district I would be voting for Jay Travis. If I lived in the 40
3-2-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Sunday reads.12 Years a Slave is my pick for best picture in the Oscars tonight. There’s a Republican Party in Illinois. It’s called the Democratic Party. Rahm should stick to Polar Plunges with Jimmy Fallon and leave the schools alone. Hasn’t he learned? Every time he intervenes, he only make things