Retirees put sellout Rep. Mussman up against the wall |
Carol Marin on
Chicago Tonight: "It's like WWIII down there [in Springfield] in terms of phones ringing off the hook."
Ralph Martirie, with some support from IFT Pres.
Dan Montgomery, did a great job on last night's panel. He blew away each and every point made by pension thieves,
Msall and
Tillman. His main point -- the pension bill is bad news, not just for retirees who've paid into the fund their whole working lives, but for the taxpayers as well. Martieie made it clear that the bill is clearly unconstitutional and like
its counterpart in Arizona, will be overturned by the courts in a few years with the state having to pay back to retirees what's legally owed them -- with interest.
At Sen. Biss' office |
The vote on the great pension grab is likely to come late today. So retirees were out in force yesterday, calling out their elected officials and taking names of the sellouts. There are somethings we retirees don't forget. Add to the list, sellout Rep.
Michelle Mussman who was confronted by Brother Fred and troops outside her Schaumburg offce yesterday. Mussman is married to a teacher who was a local union president. She ran for Representative with the backing of the teacher’s union. But like most of her lickspittle