L+M in strike zone
By Judy Benson
Publication: theday.com
Published 11/27/2013 12:00 AM
Updated 11/27/2013 11:28 PM
Tim Cook/The Day
Members of AFT CT Local 5049 of Registered Nurses and AFT CT Local 5051 of LPN Technologists along with union supporters picket outside of the L+M Hospital on the first day of their strike Wednesday Nov. 27, 2013 while non-union staff members continue running the daily operation of the hospital.
Union says it will walk workers to jobs Saturday night; hospital says it will lock them out
New London — Negotiations will resume Tuesday between Lawrence + Memorial Hospital and the union that represents about 800 striking nurses and technicians, the first hopeful sign since contract talks broke down Tuesday afternoon.
The new session was arranged by a federal mediator on Wednesday, the first day of the first strike in the hospital's 101-year history.
"L+M immediately agreed to resume negotiations, and it is our hope that the unions will also return to the table — this time prepared to negotiate in good faith," hospital spokesman Mike O'Farrell said.
AFT Connecticut spokesman Matt O'Connor said the union also is pleased about the new session.
Strikers gathered in the rain outside the main hospital and at Pequot Medical Center in Groton at 6 a.m. Wednesday, marching and waving blue-and-white picket signs despite intermittent downpours. Stephanie Johnson, president of the union that